

工作室艺术 major 凯特·克莱默 learned to say “yes” to opportunities during her time on the Hill. 全球研究员和荣誉学生, 她在金沙js6038布达佩斯分校留学, 进行学生和教师的研究, 参加校内外艺术展览, interned as a student teacher in classrooms around Carroll County. 毕业后, she’s ready to put her capabilities into practice as a certified PreK-12 art teacher.


凯特·克莱默 is a 工作室艺术 major with minors in PreK-12教育, 艺术历史, 和格伦洛克的欧洲研究, 宾西法尼亚.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: Nervous, but also excited, to start my college journey.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: Grateful for the amazing experiences I have had at McDaniel and looking forward to a life full of learning.

真实世界经验: I have had wonderful opportunities in each of the academic areas that I pursued while a student at McDaniel. In the second semester of my freshman year, I was able to study abroad at the Budapest campus. While I was only there for seven weeks prior to being sent home due to the pandemic, 这是一次奇妙的经历. It truly embodied what it meant to be a global learner and allowed me to make connections with professors and students that enhanced my education.

通过我的工作室艺术顾问, 史蒂文·皮尔森教授, I was able to do student-faculty summer research in 2022. That body of creative work has largely influenced my capstone, multiple works of art have been accepted to exhibitions outside of McDaniel. I have also completed many internships for the 教育 program in art classrooms throughout Carroll County, including two full-time student-teaching placements this spring. These comprehensive teaching experiences were full of learning (for both me and the students) and confirmed that I cannot wait to have my own classroom.

我的顿悟时刻: 对赋予生命的机会说“是”, don’t feel bad for saying “no” when life is too hectic and the commitments are draining. Creating healthy boundaries and taking care of all areas of life are important!

我在山上留下的脚印 I hope fellow students will see that believing in oneself and being surrounded by a supportive community can help achieve goals that initially seem impossible. I remember once being told as a first-year student by a student at another college that I could not fulfill all of the program requirements I was interested in at McDaniel … However, 我坚持, 提前计划, sought out resources on campus when I needed help, 并且成功地达到了我的目标.

Faculty or staff member who most influenced who I have become: Professor Steve Pearson has really encouraged me to take myself seriously as an artist, while also guiding me to opportunities that I would not have known about otherwise. 他是文科的坚定支持者, has really taught me how to use academic and life experiences to create content in my art.

史上最佳课堂: 先进的工作室, because it is a class dedicated to creating and talking about art, plus students have the opportunity to take it multiple times.

让我大吃一惊: Going into college, I always thought I would prefer teaching elementary school art. However, through my internships, I learned that I love working with high schoolers just as much! It really taught me to be open-minded and willing to try new things that seem daunting at first. I am excited to see where this realization will now take me in my career.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 胡佛图书馆旁边的露台. 这里非常宁静, which is why I have spent many hours there studying, 喝着凯西家的印度拿铁, 还能欣赏到日落的美景.

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: All disciplines overlap in some way, McDaniel is a great place to explore that! Majors and minors do not need to immediately “make sense” together; if you want to learn about both, then do it and find the ways in which they are connected!

我最重要的头衔是:女人的地盘: A 工作室艺术 Investigation of the Role of Women in Society.”

说白了就是: I investigate the ways the role of women in society can be represented through multiple forms of visual media, 特别关注地点的影响.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: While at McDaniel, I have kept busy with lots of fun activities! I am a member of the Honors Program and a Global Fellow. I loved the additional academic and social opportunities that these programs provided. I have also participated in Palabras to Words and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as a general member and on the executive boards. I served as a peer mentor for a First Year Seminar in the 艺术 department, 留言标记:现在开始画画, 哪一个是真正有益的经历! I worked as an ambassador for the 招生 Office, I loved having the chance to talk to prospective McDaniel students about their college search. 在我的四年里, I was also invited to join multiple academic/leadership societies, 包括, 的, 吹号的, 和Phi Beta Kappa.

接下来是什么: I have submitted my teaching application to multiple counties and look forward to getting to teach in my own classroom soon!

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? I look forward to coming back for alumni events and staying in touch with my peers through social media. I am also very excited to attend the future capstone shows for the current first-years, 二年级的学生, 大三主修艺术!


主要: 工作室艺术

未成年人: PreK-12教育, 艺术历史, 欧洲研究


"I hope fellow students will see that believing in oneself and being surrounded by a supportive community can help achieve goals that initially seem impossible."