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Class of 2019: Atticus Rice

Atticus Rice crossed the country from Portland, Oregon, to major in Communication and Political Science with a specialization in American Politics and Law. As co-editor-in-chief of the McDaniel Free Press, 他与一个团队合作,增加了印刷问题的数量,彻底改革了组织政策和结构,以帮助实现传递金沙js6038社区应该知道的新闻的目标.

Headshot of Atticus Rice

Atticus Rice, from Portland, Oregon, 你的专业是传播与政治科学与国际研究,主修美国政治与法律

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: I’d like to think that I’m leaving an enhanced culture of service. 通过与Alpha Phi Omega国家男女同校服务兄弟会的合作,我能够结识新朋友,并在校园和社区中建立联系,所有这些都是通过相互服务来实现的. 回馈社会对我来说一直意义重大,我想我已经能够与国会山的许多其他人分享这种价值.

As a senior, 我曾担任《金沙js6038自由出版社》的联合主编,并与一支不可思议的团队合作,增加了我们的印刷问题数量,彻底改革了我们的组织政策和结构,以帮助我们更好地实现我们的目标,即向金沙js6038社区提供值得了解的新闻. 也许我在《金沙js6038》的工作中最值得注意的是了解了信息在校园里传播的方式,并有幸成为第一批通过与校长一对一的采访了解事情的人之一, administrative officials, and many other interesting people.

My footprints and handprints (I helped with construction!) are also in and around the new Green Terror Greenhouse that’s going live in its first stage this spring. I’m humbled to be a part of a great team that’s been able to secure the financial, faculty, 行政和学生支持这样一个伟大的倡议,并希望它将继续作为一个标志,当人们走到一起可以做什么.

Best class ever: New Media Writing with English professor Paul Muhlhauser. I took this class as part of my minor in journalism and new media as an eager sophomore. Dr. Muhlhauser day after day proved to be one of the most energetic, exciting and caring people and educators whom I have ever had the luck to learn from and get to know. 这门课令人难以置信,因为我们能够从个人感兴趣的独特角度学习写作和出版的最新前沿思想和技术.

Took me totally by surprise: How natural it felt to be at McDaniel. Of course, I picked McDaniel because I knew it was the school for me and was able to feel that from my admissions process, 但我仍然对离开我熟悉的地方到一个全新的环境去旅行持保留态度. But ever since my first week on the Hill things have just worked out. 无论是神奇地聚集在一起的伟大社区和支持系统,还是发生在我周围的令人敬畏的项目和事件,还是我必须学习和成长的惊人机会, it’s always felt natural to be a Green Terror and that’s not something I was expecting to be so pervasive.

My favorite spot on campus: The McDaniel Free Press Office. Despite being on the first floor by the entrance of Hill Hall, arguably one of the most trafficked buildings on campus, the office is still rather hidden, giving it a unique position in the center of campus. The office became my favorite both because it’s central yet isolated, but also because it became an extension of my investment in the paper; it physically represented my work on staff for four years and was something to be proud of. It also has a couch for midday naps.

Real world experiences: I studied abroad in the Peruvian Amazon for my January Term course in 2018 with The Forest Online class. This class focuses on story telling through the importance of the Amazon Rainforest to the people who live there, people who live elsewhere and the world’s entire ecosystem. 我曾担任英语教授丹尼尔·谢弗(Daniel Schafer)的研究助理,负责编写一本关于1900年至1925年棒球比赛的基础小说选集.

As far as internships go, I’ve put myself into as many different types of situations as possible, including being a peer mentor for the Honors Program, 担任First Look Facilitator,并再次担任艺术教授Chloe Irla的Art on the Edge第一年研讨会的同伴导师. 我在学院的年度捐赠团队实习,并在学生电话中心工作了一个月. 在实习期间,我与Emily Shank的州代表竞选团队建立了一些很好的联系,并在威斯敏斯特的Advantage Internet Marketing公司从事网络和社交媒体的文案和设计工作, Md.

我通过新闻学课程与《金沙js6038》杂志的一位高级编辑建立了联系,并有机会作为编辑实习生创办了这本杂志, gain experience in fact-checking and research and helping to write some small sections. Between getting to experience and explore Baltimore and being able to work with respected industry professionals, it was a grand time.

My capstones: 政治学与国际研究:“竞选过程中的美国例外论”和传播学:“关键对话中的个人身份”

What it’s about: PSI研究了美国例外论的发展——认为美国在某种程度上本质上比其他国家好——以及它在选举中的重要性和作用. In the research, 我通过对构成美国例外论的核心主题的定性内容分析,深入研究了自2000年以来共和党和民主党在每次总统选举中的全国代表大会接受演讲. 我研究了在过去的20年里,围绕美国例外论的言论是如何演变的,与它在美国宪法出台之前的初始阶段相比.

In my Communication capstone, I look at the role that personal identity plays in conversations that deal with identity and social justice. 通过定性访谈,我研究了身份对人们意味着什么,以及一个人的身份如何在这些对话中使自己成为观点的有效性和至高无上的. The research places an emphasis on meaning created by each participant in the project, allowing for fluidity and personality in the findings.

What it’s really about: 我的政治学顶点课程实际上是关于谈论美国是如何改变的以及谈论它在总统选举中的作用. 对于交流来说,这是关于谁有权在关于身份和社会正义的对话中发表意见,这取决于他们的身份和在这种身份下的经历.

What’s next: I’m looking at 1-2 year programs in environmental policy, community engagement, marketing, and nonprofit work before continuing my education at the graduate level. 我的最终目标是在未来五年内获得公共政策硕士学位——或者类似的专业——然后重返职场.

About Atticus

Name: Atticus Rice

Major: Communication, Political Science and International Studies with a specialization in American Politics and Law

Class of 2019
