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Class of 2021: Emem潘

My Philosophy capstone [is] a race-based piece. As an African American, 我认为,有必要在考虑历史背景的同时,开始有关种族的讨论,以便所有人都能理解属于边缘群体的某些叙述. 在本文中,我强调为这类对话创造空间的必要性, incorporating philosophical concepts to support my thesis statement.


Emem潘 是富尔顿大学哲学与政治学专业专攻美国政治与法律的学生, 马里兰.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: truly captivated by the architectural beauty and the landscape of the campus. Other than that, I was excited to start my first year of college.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: a me that is closer to who I want to be. These four years have been a journey of self-cultivation, and after I ring the Old Main bell that journey will not cease to continue. My hope is that I leave the Hill with more than just a diploma; I want to be able to leave possessing all the lessons and memories that have shaped who I am today.

Real world experiences: I distinctly remember my internship as a teacher’s assistant for My Design. That was one of my favorite Jan Term classes as a freshman, and as a sophomore I was able to help others learn more about college, 职业生涯, and who they are as individuals. I loved that! 我也是一名一年级辅导员,这很有趣,因为我有机会与即将到来的一年级学生一起工作,感受他们对生活新阶段的兴奋. When I studied abroad at McDaniel’s campus in Hungary, 我在布达佩斯的美国角实习,担任媒体协调员和大使. That experience was incredibly enlightening, 我有机会认识来自世界各地的人,这让我看到了同样重要的新视角.

Aha moment:  I feel as though I have discovered something new every year at McDaniel, either about the world or about myself. 这些更多的是实现而不是发现,但它们都在某种程度上震撼了我. 然而, 我认为我有过的最好的顿悟之一是,不是别人对你说什么或对你的看法体现了你是谁, it is your character and what you know about yourself. I have realized over these four years, through different circumstances, that as human beings we must holdfast not to our reputations, but to our integrity.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: 我认为人们永远不可能完全理解他们在多大程度上影响了某人或某事, 但我相信这是一种巨大的荣誉,我可以为自己的遗产而自豪. With that being stated, 我只希望在国会山留下奉献和坚持的足迹. Without these two, there is not much you can accomplish. I also hope to have touched the hearts of those I have personally known, leaving a legacy of compassion and authenticity.

Professor who most influenced who I have become: 我有幸学习过的每一位教授都在自己的领域表现出色. They all brought so much more than lesson plans to the table. All my professors have influenced who I am today, whether they know it or not, and for that I am forever grateful.

我的导师. 对生活.: I think of everyone as a mentor, even my peers. Some people teach me what to do, and some people teach me what not to do. All is beneficial in the school of life. 我相信接受每个人的建议是很重要的,不管他们是谁. I firmly adhere to the belief that our life experiences, observations, 而人际关系可以作为一本指导我们前进的手册. 赞同这一信念使我明白,我们所能采取的最佳行动就是永远不要让这些指示白费. 我们应该根据我们所学到的知识和我们所接受的指导,不断改进或重塑我们自己,这是我们自己和周围的人的责任. As Heraclitus wrote, “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

Best class ever: As a Political Science major, 我可以肯定地说,我喜欢我在这个系上的每一堂课, but I can also say the same for every Philosophy class as well. 这两门学科都给我带来了丰富的知识,这是非常宝贵的. In Political Science, 每节课都让我挑战世界的方式,同时挑战自己,成为我希望在我们的社会中看到的变化. 每一堂哲学课都让我有机会更好地理解,作为一个人,我可以改变什么,以及我该如何开始这一追求. All in all, I feel like one of the lucky ones. 双学位和对两门学科的热爱让我度过了非常愉快的四年. 我一直在见证金沙js6038的学生们是如何在学业和个人生活上茁壮成长的, and it is primarily because they love what they do! 真正享受你在课堂上的工作和时间是课堂外快乐和成功的一个重要方面. 我很高兴我能热爱我的工作,并在金沙js6038的每门课程中找到乐趣.

Took me totally by surprise: Ok. So, freshman year, what took me by surprise was the Green Terror mascot. I don’t know why, but that thing was a little too terrorizing. I was frightened. Sophomore year, when the mascot was revamped, I was relieved because I no longer had to be scared at football games. Tout the Tartan!!!

My favorite spot on campus: 我在校园里最喜欢的地方是当你离开图书馆时,左边的草地楼梯. I don’t know why, I guess I just have fond memories there. I remember sitting in the lawn chairs for hours, I would even fall asleep. So relaxing.

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: 我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法之一是,如果你给自己机会去改变和尝试不同的东西, even if it is uncomfortable, you will thank yourself later. Before coming to McDaniel College, I had a certain way of doing almost everything in my life, especially thinking. 说到这里,我必须承认我以前对世界的看法相当有限. 来到国会山让我相信,改革总是有空间的, improvement, and different interpretations.

我学到的另一个令人难以置信的想法是,偶尔放松一下是可以的. 我把这个想法归功于警长德威斯,以及他在刑事司法课的最后一天对我说的话. He advised me to not be so hard on myself. 这句话一直萦绕在我的脑海里,三年后仍然萦绕在我的脑海里. 我感谢警长德威斯睿智的话语,帮助我度过了那个学期. So, 我想把这个建议传递给我的学长和任何愿意倾听的人:你是一个人, don’t try to carry the world on your shoulders. Practice compassion towards yourself. 努力工作,但不要用你认为应该达到的想象参数来打击自己.

My capstones: 

  • Political Science – The United States’ Relationship with Climate Change
  • Global Fellows – Climate Change: The Mitigations and Effects Around the Globe
  • 哲学——非裔美国妇女的非女性化与堕落

What it’s about: For my Political Science capstone, 我特别关注了西方世界在缓解气候变化方面的文献和实质性立法的缺乏. 我的全球研究员项目顶石呼应了同样的观点和基调,因为它在强调全球紧急状态的同时,为气候变化研究增加了政治因素. 然而, in my Global Fellows capstone I focus on countries in the East. My Philosophy capstone was also going to be environmentally centered, but I changed it early on to a race-based piece. As an African American, 我认为,有必要在考虑历史背景的同时,开始有关种族的讨论,以便所有人都能理解属于边缘群体的某些叙述. 在本文中,我强调为这类对话创造空间的必要性, incorporating philosophical concepts to support my thesis statement.

Capstone translated: 从本质上讲,我的顶点是关于气候变化和种族道德(不是结合在一起……不同的论文)

What’s next: I’m a huge proponent of going wherever God leads. 我已经掌握了足够多的命运,知道结果永远不会像上帝为我准备的那样好. So, we’ll see.


名称: Emem Apkan

主要: 哲学与政治学,主修美国政治与法律

Class of 2021