

乔伊康克林’s goal when he arrived on the Hill was to prepare for medical school – then he took Accounting I because he needed a class and had enjoyed his accounting class in high school. 这堂课改变了一切. 乔伊意识到会计工作是他的完美选择. 三份不同的实习, 商业战略的顶点, and a double major in 会计、经济与工商管理 later, 他接受了斯特吉尔的工作 & 的同事, LLP in Westminster to work in tax and business valuation.


乔伊康克林 is an 会计、经济与工商管理 double major from Westminster, Maryland.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 不确定. I was unsure of what I wanted to do in life and how to figure it out. I was unsure of whether I wanted to play a sport and how to manage my time. And I was unsure of how I would make a name for myself on campus and how to define my own success in college.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 自信. 过去的四年充满了挑战, but they have taught me more about myself than I would have ever expected. I am confident in who I am as a person and I am confident in where I am going. I know that I can be successful in any road I take in life by using the lessons that I learned on the Hill.

真实世界经验: I have had the fortune of having three different internships in accounting while in college. 我在迈尔斯审计公司工作 & 在斯托弗待了一个夏天, 我和RSM一起参加了一个税务方面的暑期项目, 在过去的一年半里,我一直在斯特吉尔实习 & 在威斯敏斯特的合伙人主要负责税务和商业估值. 我从这些机会中学到了很多, 但我不得不说,我最喜欢的实习是在斯特吉尔 & 的同事. 这是一家很小的公司, 和我工作过的另外两个地方不一样, but it feels more like a family atmosphere and I was able to gain a lot of responsibility quickly and feel like I was a big contributor to the team.

啊哈时刻: 大一那年, I took mostly biology and chemistry classes thinking that I wanted to go to medical school. 当我大二秋天需要一节课的时候, I threw Accounting 1 on my schedule because I had taken accounting in high school. 在上课的第一天,Dr. 朱莉·罗特扎恩要求所有商务专业的学生举手. 当我没有的时候,她问我为什么要来上课. 我回答说:“因为我觉得会计很有趣”,引来一阵笑声. 但在那一刻, I realized that maybe I should dedicate my career to something I think is fun, 在那一天, 我主修会计.

我在山上留下的脚印 The footprints of someone who always dedicated all of his energy to being the best at whatever he took on. 不管是在教室里, 在长曲棍球场上, 或者在我实习的时候, I always wanted to be someone who was respected as a leader because of the hard work and effort that I put in. I tried to be someone who my professors appreciated having in class and someone my peers could come to discuss the class or provide help if they needed it. Looking back, I think I did just that and I am proud of the footprints I’m leaving on the Hill.

对我影响最大的教授: There is no way I could choose between professors Kerry Duvall and Julie Routzahn. Their passion for setting the Accounting students at McDaniel up for success is part of the reason I was confident switching to Accounting my sophomore year. They challenge their students to prepare them for the demands of public accounting while also providing every opportunity to succeed. The great track record of Accounting majors at McDaniel can be attributed to all of their hard work, 我非常感谢他们俩.

我的导师. 对生活.我的爸爸. 他一直是我认识的工作最努力的人, 为了养家糊口,他牺牲了很多. I know that if I work half as hard as he has, I will be very successful in life.

史上最佳课堂: 中级会计. I put the most time and effort into this class during my time at McDaniel because I knew how important it was in the Accounting major and for the CPA exam. It lived up to its reputation of being one of the hardest classes at McDaniel, but working so hard and doing well showed me that I was capable of being successful in the profession and that success would be really rewarding.

让我大吃一惊: I was shocked by the bonds that I built as member of the McDaniel lacrosse team. Spending so much time on the field and in the locker room with a common goal and a common purpose really brings you closer to the rest of the team. 我知道我可以回顾所有的回忆, 是好是坏, 和我的队友一起笑一天.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 胡佛图书馆地下室的集体自习室. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or needed to grind out some work for a couple hours, 我会找一个房间, 把门关上, 放点音乐, 然后开始工作. They’re also a great place to eat dinner and I have fond memories of meeting my girlfriend in the study rooms to eat sushi and do homework. I don’t think I could count the number of hours I spent doing labs or writing papers in those study rooms.

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 在一个荣誉班, we spent a lot of time talking about why college students think choosing their major is the end-all-be-all for their career. We learned that a vast majority of people end up working in a field completely different from what they majored in. It was reassuring to know that picking a major at 20 years old is not a life sentence and we always have the flexibility to make a change and still be very successful.

我顶石: 商业策略

内容简介: 我们学习了公司是如何制定战略的, focusing on different forms of business analysis such as industry analysis, 市场分析, SWOT分析, 价值分析. 我们用哈佛的案例研究将每个概念付诸实践, studying how a real company used one of the methods of analysis to create a competitive advantage in the market. The class culminated in a project where we became the CEO of a publicly traded company and had to perform all of the analyses in order to develop a forward-looking strategy for that company.

顶石翻译: 我们了解了为什么像亚马逊这样的公司, 星巴克, 和塔吉特都非常成功,以及他们是如何做到的. 

接下来是什么: 我已经接受了斯特吉尔的录用 & 的同事, LLP in Westminster to work in tax and business valuation after graduation with hopes to soon become a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Valuation Analyst. 作为一个在威斯敏斯特出生长大的人, it was important for me to stay here and contribute positively to the community that made me the person I am today. I would also love to one day coach any of the sports I played – lacrosse, 足球, 或者篮球——在我的母校威斯敏斯特高中.


名称: 乔伊康克林

主要: 会计、经济与工商管理
