

帕特里夏·迪克森 has her sights set on a career in clinical psychology and will begin her doctorate at West Chester University after graduation. 劳伦Dundes教授, the 心理学 major co-investigated 脸谱网 post reactions to the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd. 除了脸谱网的数据, they conducted interviews of Black and white college students and co-authored a paper that was published in an international, 同行评审期刊.


帕特里夏·迪克森 来自北卡罗来纳州新伯尔尼,主修 心理学,辅修社会学.

当我第一次踏上国会山的时候,我:兴奋! My first steps on the Hill were when I attended Summer Science Academy led by physics professor Dr. 杰夫马克思. 我花时间在伊顿的教室和实验室里学习法医学, 睡在DMC里, 在格拉尔吃饭. 那是一场爆炸. The professors were deeply knowledgeable about material, enthusiastic, and engaging. 我感到宾至如归,可以预见自己将在这里度过四年.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是坚强,有爱心,聪明,对自己有信心. I know I am capable of overcoming the challenges I may face and that the beauty is in the journey. I am thankful for the relationships I have formed on the Hill that are why McDaniel is so special. I am prepared to use the skills and knowledge I have acquired from my incredible professors and experiences at McDaniel to make a difference in my future career.

真实世界的经历: I worked as a residential rehabilitation assistant at a home of adults with psychological disorders and substance problems. 我通过监测药物来帮助住院医生, 提供康复, 协助完成日常工作, 维护客户进度的文档记录, 并制定计划帮助他们实现目标. 这段经历坚定了我追求临床心理学的愿望. I gained research experience by co-investigating 脸谱网 post reactions to the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd with 社会学 professor Dr. 劳伦Dundes. 除了脸谱网的数据, we conducted interviews of Black and white college students. 我们的论文发表在一本国际、开放获取、同行评议的期刊上. Through this experience I discovered my interest and enjoyment in qualitative coding. 我也正在为我的毕业论文完成一项独立研究. 我也很幸运地参加了两次一月学期的旅行. I studied tropical marine biology in the Bahamas and Greek mythology and monuments in Greece. 我也随女足去了德国和瑞士! 这些经历是惊人的,扩大了我的全球视野. I love traveling abroad so it was perfect that McDaniel offers many opportunities to do so.

啊哈时刻: 当我选修Sarah Lippy教授的发展心理学时, I had the opportunity to spend a day at the local courthouse watching juvenile cases. 我看到的年轻人都有一些不好的童年经历, 包括生活在虐待家庭或在寄养系统里辗转. This unique field trip was eye-opening and motivated my desire to pursue a career in the field of psychology where I am in a position to help children and adolescents.

我在山上留下的脚印 I am leaving footprints in Carroll Hall from working as a Student Ambassador and in Hill Hall for Alpha Phi Omega meetings and service events, 图书馆里到处都是, 穿过足球场, 在Merritt Hall和Lewis背诵厅上我的主要课程. 我希望我留下了对他人友善的遗产, 以身作则, 无论我在做什么,我都要全力以赴. 最后,我留下了问问题的遗产. Thank you to the professors who entertained all of my curiosities and confusions!

对我影响最大的教授: 心理学教授. 霍莉·乔克对我的影响很大. 她是一位非凡的老师,她对这门学科的热情具有感染力. I loved her Abnormal and Counseling 心理学 class, which shaped the career direction I am taking. Dr. 粉笔给了我不断的指导和鼓励. She has high expectations of her students and goes the extra mile to help students reach their goals. She connected me with a paid clinical opportunity that solidified my interest in clinical psychology. 她激励我做最好的自己. 我希望有一天我能像她一样成为一名出色的临床心理学家.

我的导师. 对生活.:社会学教授. 在我上完她的犯罪学课后,劳伦·邓德斯就把我放在她的庇护下. I’ll never forget her kind words in reaction to my performance in a mock trial of the O.J. 辛普森案. We stayed in touch after the course ended and continued having thoughtful conversations about the field of criminology and life. When she learned that my educational goal was to earn a doctorate degree she offered working with me to conduct research to make my application more competitive. I took her advice and together we collected and analyzed reactions to the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd. It was rewarding to gain insight into this important matter that I wanted to explore. 我永远感激她的指导和她分享的所有智慧. Dr. 邓迪是一位聪明、诚实、精力充沛、敬业的教授. 她激励我要勇敢,要为星星而奋斗.

有史以来最好的课程我不能只说一个! I have numerous memorable classes from my time at McDaniel that I am so glad I took. I am thankful to have attended a liberal arts college because I have a well-rounded education. As my mom says, I can hold a conversation about multiple areas outside my major. 我喜欢北美的宗教. 布拉德·斯托达德(Brad Stoddard),性社会学教授. 萨拉·雷利,莎士比亚的《权力的游戏. Paul Zajac和Paco的西非击鼓文化. 西非击鼓文化是一堂很棒的课. 学会演奏djembe真是太棒了. I learned how to play various rhythms while learning about the culture of Senegal. Paco是一位伟大的教授,他在推动学生进步的同时,也让课堂变得有趣. 这堂课培养了我的创造力和多样性意识. It was also refreshing to take a class where I was challenged in a way other than papers and tests. I was out of my comfort zone playing music but I grew from expanding my horizons.

让我大吃一惊: 我多么喜欢美国手语! 我选择了美国手语作为我的语言要求,我期待着每一堂课. 保罗和黛比都是很棒的老师,我很幸运遇到他们. I developed an appreciation for Deaf culture and recognized the power of non-verbal communication.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: My favorite spot is the 2nd floor of the library where I like to do work during the day and can look out the big windows to see our beautiful campus.

这是我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 我师从心理学教授、认知心理学家Dr. 杰克·阿纳尔认为给别人植入错误记忆是可能的.

我的顶点: 我的顶点 research is on the relationship between social media use and perceived stress among emerging adults.

是关于什么的: I collected qualitative data via an online survey to assess the relationship between social media use and perceived stress of emerging adults (age 18-25). I found that perceived stress is significantly positively related to social media intrusion (how social media usage interferes with daily life), 社交媒体成瘾, and social media stress (emotional responses to social media and dependency on social media).

顶石翻译: I looked at how different aspects of social media usage may connect with stress we feel.

接下来是什么我正在攻读心理学博士学位.D.),今年秋天开始在西切斯特大学(West Chester University)开设临床心理学课程. I hope to become a licensed clinical psychologist and provide services to children and adolescents. I am especially interested in helping youth from underserved populations and who have experienced trauma.


名称: 帕特里夏·迪克森

主要: 心理学

小: 社会学
