

Dalanda迪亚洛 joined McDaniel as a transfer student with a plan. A dual Political Science and self-designed French Studies major, Dalanda interned for a U.S. senator and at the United Nations Refugee Agency and lived in the French Language House on campus. 荣誉计划成员及全球研究员, 国家安全研究员, 绿色大使, 以及山之家食品储藏室的经理, Dalanda immersed herself in every opportunity to get real world experience at McDaniel. After graduation, Dalanda will be pursuing further studies with a Critical Language Scholarship.


Dalanda迪亚洛 is a dual Political Science with a specialization in International Studies and student-designed French Studies major from Montgomery Village, 马里兰, 在几内亚长大的人.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 一个大三的转校生. 

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: More self-aware, confident, and knowledgeable about what I want to do in the future. 

真实世界经验: 我在金沙js6038的时候, I was thrilled to intern in the office of U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen as a constituent services intern and at the United Nations Refugee Agency as a protection and solutions intern. 虽然我没有出国留学, I was able to live in the French Language House during my junior year. My internships were deeply enriching experiences that allowed me to build friendships with amazing peers and build connections with amazing professionals!

我的顿悟时刻: 在山上, I learned to not let imposter syndrome stop me from applying to opportunities and experiences that I may have thought were out of my reach in the past. 我对自己的知识和能力更有信心了, and I made sure not to become my own barrier when applying for cool internships and opportunities. 

我在山上留下的脚印 I want to represent transfer students because it was interesting going through the college application process twice. 最后, I received the support I needed to fall into place in the school and make sure that I was ready to continue towards earning my bachelor’s degree. 

Faculty or staff member who most influenced who I have become: 凯西·冈瑟是对我影响最大的员工. She is my supervisor for the 首页 on the Hill Program, and she is truly a fantastic person. Having her as a supervisor allowed me to practice my advocacy skills as I spoke about the 首页 on the Hill program, 食品储藏室的用途, 我们为谁服务. 除了, being the pantry manager allowed me to price my communication and leadership skills and helped to make me a better member of the McDaniel community. 

史上最佳课堂: 我喜欢Chloe Irla教授的荣誉:我的职业生涯课程. I was able to do more research on prospective career fields I thought about integrating in the future, and the course solidified my knowledge about what I want to do in the future. 

让我大吃一惊: The relationship that students can build with their professors and how caring professors and faculty members are toward their students. 

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: My favorite spot on campus would be the gazebo with the fairy lights. This is my favorite spot on campus because it has a really great view, and it’s a nice place to sit down for a little bit after a walk around campus. 

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: Knowing what you want out of college to get the most out of it and avoid unnecessary debt is essential. If you know the intended field that you want to go into requires a master’s degree for most job positions that you wish to do in the future, 那么大学可能适合你. 然而, college is also about making the most of your time and ensuring you effectively understand and grasp the academic information you indulge in, 让你成为一个更有准备的求职者. 

我最重要的头衔: 《金沙js6038》.”

说白了就是: My research centers on the occurrence of coups d’états in Africa, 特别是在西非地区, 我把重点放在几内亚和马里. 我探究了为什么这些国家会发生政变, what conditions make them more likely to occur in other places, and how they represent democratic backsliding and lead to more distress and suffering in Guinea and Mali. 

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: 我在金沙js6038的时候, 我很荣幸能加入荣誉项目, 全球研究员计划, 国家安全研究员计划, Sigma, 和. I was also a recipient of the Summer Intern Fellowship Award in September 2021, 从2020年秋季到2021年秋季我都在院长名单上. I was also a member of the Model United Nations and attended the National Model UN conference in New York in April, where I represented the United Nations Development Programme as a part of the Bangladesh team.

在校园, 我也是山上之家食品储藏室的经理, 环保大使, SASS导师, and the French Language Director for the French house during the spring semester of my junior year. Lastly, I also became a mentor at Westminster’s Boys and Girls Club! 

接下来是什么: I will be learning Swahili virtually this summer as a Critical Language Scholarship recipient. Afterward, I plan to apply to graduate school in the Washington, D.C.,面积. 

获得经济援助意味着什么? Receiving scholarships and grants from McDaniel immensely helped my family and me. I received my degree without the anxiety and stress that came with worrying about how to pay for my tuition next semester. 

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? I will stay connected through the alumni network, and I hope to attend networking events!


名称: Dalanda迪亚洛

主要: Political Science with a specialization in International Studies and self-designed French Studies


"My internships were deeply enriching experiences that allowed me to build friendships with amazing peers and build connections with amazing professionals!"