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Class of 2022: Giulia Pires

朱利亚·皮雷斯(Giulia Pires)从金沙js6038(McDaniel)毕业,获得了健康科学学位,辅修了法语,她只需要与运动机能学讲师安吉拉·布莱恩特(Angela Bryant)交谈一次,就知道自己想成为一名医师助理,并有一天拥有自己的健身房. 她知道自己走在正确的道路上,因为她热爱自己在当地一家物理治疗办公室的工作,并在运动医学方面进行了一项独立研究. Closer to her goals than ever, 朱莉娅把她的实践技能运用到她最后的健康科学顶点课程“运动对认知的影响”中.”

皮雷斯(Giulia Pires)戴着一顶绿色牛仔帽,手里拿着一本打开的卫生专业教科书.

Giulia Pires 是马里兰州银泉市的健康科学专业辅修法语的学生.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: Nervous and reluctant.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: 紧张,但对未来和我将遇到的新机会感到兴奋! 

Real world experiences: COVID-19限制了我与卫生专业人员一起工作并获得患者护理经验的能力. Nonetheless, 我能够找到一些机会,这些机会在某种程度上有助于实现我的目标,并有助于增强我对未来职业的渴望. 其中之一就是我在奥文斯米尔斯附近做理疗助理的工作. 我在一个物理治疗办公室工作,专门研究盆底健康和女性健康. There, 我能够帮助病人进行锻炼,加强他们的核心肌肉,并帮助他们进行伸展运动,以帮助恢复和缓解肌肉紧张. 我很感激这段经历,因为我能够与各种各样的病人互动并建立关系, 以及学习有价值的技能,我希望有一天能把我塑造成一名出色的医疗保健提供者. I also had the opportunity to do an independent study with Dr. Steve McCole,我研究了力量训练后的恢复. Besides learning an enormous amount of information, 这段经历坚定了我进入运动医学领域的愿望.

My aha moment: 我知道我想成为吉尔中心地下室的一名医师助理. I was sitting with Dr. Angela Bryant, who at the time was the nutrition professor, 她告诉我她是一名私人助理,和她丈夫一起开了一家健身房. After that I was hooked on the PA profession. 最终,我也爱上了举重,我希望有一天能开一家自己的健身房. 想想都觉得很有趣,我发现自己又回到了和Dr. Bryant.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: 我希望在人们的记忆中,我是一个无论多么艰难都坚持朝着目标努力的人.

Faculty or staff member who most influenced who I have become: Ms. 安·马蒂亚斯,我从大二开始就在宿舍生活办公室工作. 她的谦逊和对他人的善良影响了我成为一个更好的人,并欣赏生活中的一切小事. 她帮助我对生活有了更积极的看法,并教会我即使在艰难的时候,生活中也总会有一点美好.

Best class ever: There are several classes that I enjoyed here at McDaniel. Human Anatomy and Human Physiology were two classes that were challenging; however, 它们对我来说是最难忘的,因为它们涉及到我非常感兴趣的科目. 同样,尽管这些课程要求很高,但它们是我学得最多的课程. It almost felt like I was solving a puzzle in each one. 我也很喜欢生物课上的话题,因为我们学到了营养学的生物学知识. 我们去了一次实地考察,我们甚至在课堂上做了冰淇淋. It was a lot of fun.

Took me totally by surprise: Definitely how fast everything went by. I think because of COVID, 我在金沙js6038的大部分时间都被剥夺了,正因为如此,这四年飞逝而过.

My favorite spot on campus: My favorite spot on campus is probably the football field. 对我来说,这是校园里最美的地方,也是我玩得最开心的地方.

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: 如果你辅修了一门不同的语言,你被雇佣的可能性会增加多少?如果辅修了一门不同的语言,你被雇佣的可能性会增加多少.

My capstone title: “Effects of Exercise on Cognition.”

What it’s about in plain talk: 我和我的团队正在研究力量训练和有氧训练对记忆的影响, attention to detail, and reaction time. Essentially, 我们想看看不同类型的运动是否对认知有任何影响, and if so, what they are. We hope to find if there is a difference in test performance, due to cognitive effects, between students who exercise beforehand versus those who do not.

告诉我们一些你在金沙js6038期间的活动,包括体育活动。 I was an RA my sophomore year before we got sent home for COVID. 我认为这对我来说绝对是一次难忘的经历,因为它教会了我很多东西. 我学到了很多关于时间管理、工作与生活平衡、调解技巧等方面的知识. 这也是一段非常愉快的时光,因为我经历了很多有趣的活动,认识了很多新朋友. I think this sticks out to me the most because it was before COVID, so I always tend to look back at those memories.

What’s next: Next is either physician assistant school in the fall, or a gap year to gain more work experience and patient care hours. 我对这两种工作都很满意,但我希望继续朝着成为一名医师助理的目标努力!

如果你获得了经济资助,这对你和你的家庭意味着什么? I did receive financial aid. 上大学对我和我的家人来说意义重大,因为我是第一代学生. 获得经济援助是锦上添花,因为它给了我们巨大的帮助.

Are you the first in your immediate family to attend college? What has the experience meant to you? I am the first in my immediate family to attend college. It has meant a lot to me to be able to attend and, more importantly, graduate from college with my Health Sciences degree. 我感到非常幸运,能够接受教育,并在整个过程中有身边的人支持我. 知道父母的牺牲得到了回报,对我来说是一种难以置信的回报.

How will you stay connected to McDaniel? 我希望通过参加金沙js6038活动和与我在这里遇到的所有人保持联系来与金沙js6038保持联系.

About Giulia

Name: Giulia Pires

Major: Health Sciences

Minor: French

Class of 2022

"I am the first in my immediate family to attend college. It has meant a lot to me to be able to attend and, more importantly, graduate from college with my Health Sciences degree."