
2022届毕业生: Kaylen Buschhorn

Kaylen Buschhorn, an Art major specializing in Graphic Design, combined her passion for sports and her design skills to create her own business, More Than Just Balls, and interned with sports organizations while pursuing her degree. Assisting with social media for the 2022 College Football Playoff National Championship showed her she was on the right career path. With minors in Sports Management, 艺术历史, 和市场营销, Kaylen leveraged the liberal arts to achieve her dreams and feel confident in her post-graduation career.

Kaylen Buschhorn poses with a lacrosse stick.

Kaylen Buschhorn is an Art major with a specialization in Graphic Design and a triple minor in Sports Management, 艺术历史, 和市场营销. She is from Austin, Texas.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: 犹豫. The Hill was far from home and meant I had a brand new start. I stepped onto campus 1,500 miles from Austin, Texas, and worried if I would fit in or find 朋友s. But the Hill soon turned into a second home and my teammates, 朋友s, and classmates became family. Freshman year me could have never imagined the opportunities and experiences I would have on the Hill. I am so glad I took the leap and moved halfway across the country for college.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: More confident and brave! I have grown so much in the past four years academically but more importantly as a person. Since freshman year, McDaniel has given me multiple opportunities to improve my writing and professionalism skills. My professors have taught me academic lessons and helped me to achieve personal growth in all areas of life. I feel confident and ready to walk into the real world.

Real world experiences: During my time as a Green Terror, I have worked for The University of Texas 体育运动, the College Football Playoff, Athletes Unlimited, and McDaniel Football.

Since the beginning of 2020, I have served as a student associate for The University of Texas 体育运动’ creative development department. During the past two years I have created recruiting graphics, 泽互换, animated illustrations, and social media graphics for volleyball, 垒球, women’s basketball, 男子网球, 女子网球, and men’s basketball, gaining experience covering a variety of sports. During breaks when I am home in Austin, I have been able to go into the office to work in person with athletes, interviewing them to create strong video content to be used throughout their seasons. I am so excited to finally be back in Austin this fall to continue working for Texas 体育运动 in person!

I was honored to be on the social media team for the 2022 College Football Playoff (CFP) National Championship in Indianapolis. Throughout the week of the National Championship, I served as the social media publisher, ran the CFP TikTok account, and created motion graphics that were posted in-game. It was a dream come true to cover two of the best football teams in the country, and it is a week I will cherish forever! I am so glad we have Jan Term because opportunities like this wouldn’t be possible without it. The week in Indianapolis made me realize how much I love working in sports, and I am forever grateful for the experience.

我的顿悟时刻: For the first three and a half years of school, I always identified myself as being an athlete, but throughout my final year on the Hill, I realized that I am much more than just an athlete. McDaniel’s liberal arts education has shown me that I can be more than just one thing. I am an athlete but more importantly, 我是一个学生, 朋友, graphic designer, business owner, member of the Honors Program, 和领袖.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: Throughout my four years on the Hill, I have left my footprints in various places and spaces. Most frequently on the field for practice, Peterson Hall in Dr. Gretchen McKay’s various 艺术历史 classes, and in Lewis Hall for my business classes. Although I have left a physical mark on the campus, I hope that when I leave my work with The Hidden Opponent to destigmatize mental health will stay on the Hill. Student-athletes need to know that it is OK to not be OK. Talking about your struggles will help you as a student-athlete understand how to cope with stressors, appropriately grieve, and adjust to the challenges we face in everyday life.

Faculty or staff member who most influenced who I have become: There are so many people on campus that have shaped me that it is so hard to choose. Miss Bobbie and Miss Dania have most influenced who I have become since I stepped on the Hill in fall 2018. They do more than make my salad or omelet in Glar! These two women have always encouraged me, been kind to me, and made me feel welcomed and wanted. Even on a bad day, these two women know how to quickly put a smile on my face. Shoutout to Miss Bobbie for always giving me extra carrots and celery on my salad and shoutout to Miss Dania for always loading me up on sweet potatoes fries! I will miss both of you so much. Thank you for always believing in me and taking the extra time out of your busy days to check in on me and make sure my family and I were doing okay. Miss Bobbie and Miss Dania have taught me to cherish the simple things in life and appreciate everyone who helps me along the way.

Best class ever: Women in Sport taught by Dr. 黛安•威廉姆斯. 不仅是博士. Williams an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher, but she is also a superior motivator. Going into her class, I had a wealth of knowledge about women’s sports. As a female athlete and founder of a women’s sports media company, I found her class to be extremely interesting, 互动, 和奖励. Our class discussions went far beyond women’s sports. We took the time to talk about how to be more inclusive, how traditional beliefs influence how we perceive gender, and the importance of understanding the historical, 社会学, 心理, and physiological aspects that change the way we think.

Took me totally by surprise: How long the weeks felt but how fast the four years went by.

My favorite spot on campus: The L floor group study room in Hoover Library. Many 朋友ships and memories have been made in that room during late-night study sessions and chats!

The most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: The squirrels are crazy! One time I saw a squirrel sprint across Red Square with an entire slice of pizza in its mouth. I was completely surprised when I found out that there used to be a McDaniel Squirrels Instagram account.

我的顶点 title: “Creative Timeouts.”

What it’s about in plain talk: As a Graphic Design specialization Art major, I have the unique opportunity to share my work from the past four years in an exhibition. 我的顶点, titled “Creative Timeouts,” includes a majority of the graphics I have created in my multiple internships and graphic design classes that kept me busy during my time at McDaniel when I wasn’t on the lacrosse field. I displayed more than 60 graphics that I made for The University of Texas 体育运动, McDaniel Football, Athletes Unlimited, and my women’s sports media company More Than Just Balls.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: I was on the McDaniel women’s lacrosse team and a member of Phi Mu. I served on the McDaniel women’s lacrosse community service counsel and helped bring opportunities to my team to give back and get involved with the local Westminster community. While in Phi Mu, I held multiple leadership positions including social media chairwoman for three semesters and vice president of the chapter and committees for two semesters. I was also inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta, the First-Year Academic Success Honors Society, and Pi Gamma Mu, the Interdisciplinary Social Science Honor Society.

接下来是什么: After graduation I will be a social media intern with ESPN for the summer of 2022, and then I will be attending The University of Texas at Austin to pursue my master’s in advertising starting in the fall of 2022. While attending U.T. I will continue to work for the Texas 体育运动’ creative development department, which I have been a part of since January 2020.

How will you stay connected to McDaniel? Many of my 朋友s will still be on the Hill when I leave, so I will definitely be coming back to visit in the future, and you will most likely see me at the alumni game for lacrosse! Once a Green Terror, always a Green Terror!


名称: Kaylen Buschhorn

主要: Art with a specialization in Graphic Design

未成年人: 艺术历史, Marketing, Sports Management


"McDaniel’s liberal arts education has shown me that I can be more than just one thing. I am an athlete but more importantly, 我是一个学生, 朋友, graphic designer, business owner, member of the Honors Program, 和领袖."