

米凯拉·钱皮恩(米凯拉冠军)将以英语专业毕业,但她一开始学的是生物专业. 通过探索新学科的机会, 比如在威斯敏斯特侦探图书馆和英语教授玛丽·本德尔·西姆索一起工作, 米凯拉调查了自己的个人爱好,找到了理想的专业. 荣誉计划和学生金沙js6038会成员, 就连米凯拉也对自己在校内外参与的众多方式感到惊讶. 她是学生大使的主席, 爵士乐团的成员, 化学和写作中心的导师, 还有一名住校助理. 随着每一次学习和成长的机会,她成为了她一直想成为的人.


米凯拉冠军 他是宾夕法尼亚州钱伯斯堡的英语专业学生.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 金沙js6038的学生们所拥有的所有机会感到恐惧,但也感到兴奋. 我第一次来镇上是参加长曲棍球夏令营. 我以前从来没有那样离开过家, but the McDaniel community immediately opened up to me and showed me support during my time on campus. 作为第一代大学生,我当时对大学程序一无所知, 金沙js6038带给我的社区意识和家的感觉让我欣喜若狂.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 成功而坚定. As a freshman I was so set in my ways and thought I needed to have the most “prestigious” occupation and take the hardest classes in order to prove my worth and show my success. My experiences at McDaniel have shown me that I am my own measure of success and my happiness and sense of fulfillment with life is so much more important than anyone else’s opinion. I am so excited to use what I have learned from McDaniel both in and out of the classroom to continue to pursue my dreams.

真实世界经验: 我曾在胡佛图书馆实习过一个学期,还曾在胡佛图书馆做过博士的暑期研究助理. 我是英语系的玛丽·本德尔·西姆索, 致力于一个名为威斯敏斯特侦探图书馆的项目. 我不认为我能选出一个作为我的最爱, 因为我从中学到了很多宝贵的经验,也有了一些改变人生的经历. Being an intern in the library helped me to find my passion for spreading knowledge and helping others. Working as a research assistant allowed me to further develop my research skills and introduced me to a lot of really wonderful people, 包括曾在同一项目中担任研究助理的金沙js6038.

我的顿悟时刻: 大二时,我是3000级英语课上为数不多的低年级学生之一. 我已经绕过了这门课程的先决条件, 所以我对一些有时讨论的信息有点落后. 尽管这是真的, 我喜欢这门课的内容,也很擅长我们所做的工作. I wrote my first substantial literary criticism paper in this class and ended up receiving the highest grade out of all of my peers. Receiving that grade removed the doubt I had in my abilities and showed that my love for 英语 studies had merit. It showed me that studying 英语 could bring me the success and sense of fulfillment I was looking for.

我在山上留下的脚印 I believe the footprints I am leaving behind are those of someone who was dedicated to all that they did and who sought to make a difference. I have taken on so many roles and found the things that I am truly passionate about within my time at McDaniel. 是否在图书馆工作, 带未来的学生参观, 或者作为阿尔法·菲·欧米茄男女同校服务兄弟会的一员服务, I have always put all of my effort into the tasks that I have taken on and have worked to make a difference in the lives around me, 无论是给别人带来一个微笑,还是通过我的社区服务努力.

对我影响最大的教职员: 没有我的导师, 英语教授玛丽·本德尔·西姆索, 我永远不会成为今天的我. Dr. Mary has always believed in me and gave me the courage to switch from 生物化学专业 to 英语专业 my sophomore year. She helped me to redefine my definition of success and showed me that being happy and finding joy in the work that I am doing is so much more important than receiving the validation and approval of others. 她教会了我要勇敢, 为我的信仰挺身而出, 在我需要帮助的时候寻求帮助, 最终相信自己. 我知道即使我毕业了. 玛丽将继续是我的良师益友, 我将永远感激金沙js6038把她带进了我的生活.

史上最佳课堂: I have loved every class I have taken but House of Fiction: American Stories would have to be my favorite. I discovered my love for short stories in this course and truly learned how to fully analyze literature. 这门课真的很有挑战性, 因为这是我上的第一门高级英语课程, 但我认为这促使我做到最好. 疫情爆发时我也在上这门课, 当我突然回到家时, 这是我最期待的课.

让我大吃一惊: 在上大学之前, 我知道我想参与其中, 我只是从没想过我能做这么多事情. 在校期间,我曾是金沙js6038男子曲棍球队的经理, 住宿助理, 化学导师, 写作中心导师, 胡佛图书馆实习生, 咨询台工作人员, 导游, 副校长,现在是学生大使项目的主席, 生物化学专业, 英语专业, 荣誉计划的成员, 音乐会乐队和爵士乐团的成员, 学生金沙js6038会成员, 金沙js6038现场音乐俱乐部会员, 阿尔法·菲·欧米茄男女同校服务兄弟会主席, 他是包括Phi Beta Kappa在内的五个荣誉社团的成员, 还有更多. 金沙js6038允许我探索我所有的兴趣, 真正融入社区, 结交新朋友, 以及实际工作经验. 我真的不认为在其他任何地方我都能有如此充实的大学经历.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 哈维石亭. Harvey Stone is located way back behind the baseball field near the golf course and is a little hidden. 我遛狗, 三叶草, 几乎每天都在去哈维·斯通的路上, 当外面天气好的时候, 我在那里待了很长时间. The walk there gives me a chance to decompress a little bit and helps to get rid of any anxiety or stress I’m feeling. Harvey Stone itself offers a little bit of a hideaway to do work while being surrounded by nature and allows me to take a break from the hustle and bustle of campus.

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 在几乎每一堂英语课上,学生都被教导要寻找“更深层次的含义”,” but there are truly a million different ways to analyze a text and find meaning and connections in it. 很多人不相信英语专业,因为这个领域不像STEM领域那么“技术性”, 但他们没有意识到的是,为了进行文学批评, we have to study and understand other disciplines to have the knowledge we need to support our arguments. 除此之外, 我了解到,一个拥有英语学位的人几乎可以在任何领域找到工作, 我认为更多的学生应该意识到这一点.

我最重要的头衔: “Undecidability Prevails: The Deconstruction of Gender Binaries in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘Jenny’ and Christina Rossetti’s ‘In an Artist’s Studio’”

说白了就是: I explore Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s dramatic monologue “Jenny” and Christina Rossetti’s poem “In an Artist’s Studio,这两幅画都是维多利亚时代著名的作品. 而罗塞蒂兄弟俩对性别标准的看法都相当传统, 他们的作品展现了对性别问题的不同视角. I argue that through creating works in which men seem to have control but are obsessed with thoughts of the women in the works, 在那里,女人完全沉默,对男人对她们的痴迷一无所知, both the men and women show masculine and feminine characteristics which places them in an undecidable state. This undecidability works to deconstruct the gender binary as now neither the men nor the women in the works have complete control, 他们也不是处于完全顺从的状态. 能够进一步考虑性别在这些作品中的位置和使用, a deeper understanding of how gender is formed and what gender means to a person is able to be considered and greater space is created for dialogue surrounding gender issues.

接下来是什么: I will be pursuing a Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science at the Catholic University of America and will hopefully one day work as an academic librarian at a college or university.

如果你获得了经济资助,这对你和你的家庭意味着什么? 是经济援助让我上了大学. Without financial aid I would not have been to attend a school like McDaniel and get such a fulfilling liberal arts education. It has really helped to take some of the burden of paying for school off of me and allowed me to get the full McDaniel experience.

作为第一代大学生对你来说意味着什么? 作为第一代大学生,伴随着许多挣扎和艰辛, 但能拿到学位并最终走上舞台,一切都值得了. Being able to attend college has truly been a dream come true and McDaniel has given me the support and experiences to become the person I have always desired to be and to help me chase my dreams.

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? 我和同学们建立了很好的联系, 教授, 其他教职员工, 和我在国会的四年金沙js6038. I truly believe in being a Green Terror for life and hope to stay in contact with all of the amazing people I have met through the McDaniel community.


名称: 米凯拉冠军

主要: 英语


"Being able to attend college has truly been a dream come true and McDaniel has given me the support and experiences to become the person I have always desired to be and to help me chase my dreams."