

亚历克西斯·达德利转到金沙js6038后, they were elated to ring in on Old Main Bell and become part of campus community traditions. 作为一个社会学专业的学生, Alexis collaborated with Professor 劳伦Dundes on research for their senior capstone, “无论疾病还是健康,我都爱你。.“作为绿色恐怖计划执行委员会的一员, 亚历克西斯帮助金沙js6038的所有学生组织了激动人心的校园活动.


亚历克西斯·达德利 是巴尔的摩的社会学专业学生.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 一个现在的我认不出来的人. 两年内, McDaniel helped me acknowledge the potential I could have and the potential I al读y had. Campus also helped me then take action on my potential to create flourishing relationships and opportunities on and off campus.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 骄傲,富有同情心,对任何机会都持开放态度.

真实世界经验: 上个学期,我和Dr. 劳伦Dundes. My research experience involved creating a survey for undergraduate students to complete about their views and opinions on marriage norms. We aimed to identify if heterosexual relationships may or may not have comparable values and dynamics as heterosexual relationships historically did. We also aimed to observe if homosexual relationships mimic these dynamics and values or varied.

I was able to connect with many wonderful alumni that are currently McDaniel staff! I’ve had Mel Brennan ’96 and Joanna Hamburg ’13 from the Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO) assist my development as a leader and my specialty in career and opportunity advancement. I’ve also had Alina Philip ’22 show me that compassion and care for others helps create inclusive communities anywhere by planning and nurturing everyone around you. 另外, 我让艾琳·贝内文托看到了我作为领导者的潜力, 即使我做不到, 然后答应一个她以前不认识的学生, 但信任.

我的顿悟时刻: 我想主修社会学. 当我转学的时候,我打算学心理学. 我跟着博士上社会学导论. 劳伦Dundes,几个星期过去了, I found that 社会学 was an area of study that I was truly passionate about; even though I had no knowledge of the area of study previously. I did the last thing any academic advisor would want you to do and changed my major the second semester of my junior year here. 我几乎没有换专业的想法让我想到就崩溃了, because of all the possible opportunities and experiences I wouldn’t have had that make me who I am today.

我在山上留下的脚印 I hope to be remembered as someone who could exemplify potential and how each and every person embodies their potential in different forms. I hope I inspired my 金沙js6038当地 students to take a chance to enjoy meeting new people and how friendship and leadership exists in every corner of the world. 我希望我激励了我的转学学员,不要把金沙js6038仅仅当作终点线, 而是一个可以满足你个人需求的地方. I hope I inspired students who visited the CEO to feel confident in their strengths and what each person can bring not only to a workplace but to everyone around them.

对我影响最大的教职员: 对我影响最大的教员是. 劳伦Dundes. 作为教授,她会以不同的方式影响每个人. 我能说的是Dr. 劳伦·邓德斯推动人们发挥最大潜能的能力, 只要他们准备好了就行. The beauty is that all of her intentions are to push each student to the best version of themselves through her classes. She inspires me to not accept the bare minimum and to not ignore my own potential. Her guidance has brought me the confidence and critical mindset to question everything right in front of me, 以及在我们混乱的社会中观察真相.

史上最佳课堂: 性别、暴力和犯罪. 莎拉雷利. Dr. 雷利的社会学课程不仅内容丰富,而且具有探索性. 我们的课堂作业很大程度上是基于我们阅读一篇文章后的思考, 看纪录片, 甚至看Netflix的犯罪迷你剧. Dr. Raley always makes students feel included and shares relevant content that keeps you interested. Her general demeanor toward teaching and education presents the opportunity for students to grow and comprehend aspects of sociology (and life!),我们以前可能没有探索过.

让我大吃一惊: That the students ring the bell in and out to signal their start to their college experience and then to their start of life post-grad. 来自社区大学, 我们没有很多统一的、以社区为基础的体验, 所以在迎新会上摇铃感觉很不合适,老实说也很震惊.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 附属于Roj学生中心的露台, 就在总统办公室旁边, 我在校园里最喜欢的地方是什么. 虽然露台有时会有点风, 在温暖的五月或九月的日子里,阳台上的阳光最明媚. 一旦太阳落山, you can look over the terrace and see all of the lights from town and get a beautiful view of the moon and stars on clear nights.

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 恢复性司法制度. 在我的任期内, 我上了一门关于恢复性司法和司法系统如何运作的课, 甚至在卡罗县. The idea that justice can promote healing and comfort rather than only punishment and consequence was amazing!

我最重要的头衔: “无论疾病还是健康,我都爱你。.”

说白了就是: I observed if gender and political party affiliation had an impact on one’s response to the question, “Do you believe that a woman should be able to obtain a legal abortion in cases of a woman’s endangered health?” My study found that most people do believe that a woman should be able to obtain a legal abortion in cases of a woman’s endangered health.

Extra talk: I found that Republican women were the most likely to oppose an abortion even in cases of a woman’s endangered health. I spent a lot of my poster discussing the different pressures and values that come with your gender as well as what political party you identify with.

接下来是什么: I plan to attend University of Alabama, Birmingham’s online master’s program in 社会学. 我计划毕业后的那个星期去海边度假放松一下, 读, 在开始研究生课程和我的第一份研究生工作之前好好休息一下!

如果你获得了经济资助,这对你和你的家庭意味着什么? Financial aid meant a chance for me to achieve a goal that not many others in my family had. Having the support of financial aid meant I would be able to focus on my schooling, 因为我不用工作那么多, 因为我没有那么多钱.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: 金沙js6038的两年里, I was involved in various activities such as the Green Terror Programs executive board, 学生会协会, 2023学生高级委员会, 同侪导师计划, 金沙js6038当地, 还有网球队. 另外, 我曾在田径队担任赛事管理人员, 并在首席执行官中担任学生大使. 虽然每个活动都不同于下一个, 他们都帮助我成为今天的我,并将我与国会山的家联系在一起!

你是你的直系亲属中第一个上大学的吗? 这段经历对你意味着什么? 我是我的直系亲属中第一个获得B的人.A. I’ve always said that my college experience was for me and my personal advancement, 但在这一成就的背后,总是有更多的东西. The experience has given me the opportunity to show my younger siblings that just because we may feel certain goals are improbable, 这并不意味着它们是不可能的. My degree is not only a reflection of my hard work but what could be for my younger siblings and their futures.

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? 我计划通过金沙js6038参与机会与金沙js6038保持联系! 另外, I plan to revisit campus during semesterly events such as 首页coming or alumni dinners!


主要: 社会学


尽管每个活动都不同于下一个, 他们都帮助我成为今天的我,并将我与国会山的家联系在一起!"