

在国会的四年里, 主修英语和戏剧艺术的贝利·马伦发现了对深入研究的热爱. 为Paul Zajac教授的新书提供参考书目, 在历史剧中写作和表演, 作为一名学生,贝利走出了自己的舒适区,走进了聚光灯下. 破纪录的越野和径赛运动员, Bailey is crossing the finish line 和 joining a local law firm as a researcher post-graduation.


贝利马伦 是巴尔的摩的英语和戏剧艺术专业的学生.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 大概11或12岁吧. 我哥哥来金沙js6038参加高中暑期唱诗班夏令营, 所以我和我妈妈一起去接他,然后把他放下. 从那个年纪起,我就一直很喜欢校园的感觉. 所以,当我开始寻找大学时,金沙js6038因为熟悉而出现在我的名单上. 在我正式访问金沙js6038的那天, 我记得当时的感觉和小时候一样舒服. Feeling this way was one of the defining factors in choosing McDaniel as the place I wanted to spend my next four years.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 一个敢于冒险,懂得相信自己的人. 而不是替别人做选择, 我学会了为自己做选择,让我想成为的人变得骄傲. 来到金沙js6038,我觉得有必要继续做让我感到舒服的事情. 然而,我学会了欣赏不舒服的感觉. 不管是上一门对我有挑战的课, 或者参加一项新的运动, 我通过相信自己能处理新事物,找到了真正的自己.

整体, my experiences here have shown me that growing 和 learning doesn’t have to be a linear process. 我所面临的挑战, 无论是在课堂上还是在寻找自我的过程中, 共同努力取得更大的成果.

真实世界经验: 我最喜欢的研究经历之一是和Dr. 扎亚克在我高三的前一个夏天. 我帮助过博士. 扎亚克研究了他书中威廉·莎士比亚的部分. This research assistant position helped prepare me immensely for my senior seminar class, 在那里写毕业论文. 在整个过程中, I read “Henry IV”, “King John”, completed detailed annotated bibliographies on sources relating to peace in Shakespeare’s works. I also engaged in searching through databases to find modern day translations of Desiderius Erasmus’ writings.

我很感激. Zajac reached out to me 和 asked me to be his assistant on such an important project, 因为我能够通过和他一起工作来学习和成长. 回顾, I realize how much I was able to accomplish by the end of the summer — I had read two more Shakespeare plays, 和 practiced research skills that were useful for my research paper I wrote in fall semester!

我的顿悟时刻: 在我英语专业的毕业演讲中, 我意识到我是一个“不断进步”的学生. I reflected on my skill level in the 英语 major during my first year at McDaniel 和 saw how much I had improved. The projects 和 assignments I completed during my final year would have been extremely difficult for me as a first-year student. During that final presentation, I realized I had grown significantly since starting my major. What made my capstone the most successful in my opinion wasn’t necessarily the content, 但事实上,走到这一步对我来说并不容易. 有时, I think the students who might struggle or have a lot to learn often end up becoming the most successful by the end of their educational journey.

我在山上留下的脚印 The way I’d like to be remembered on the Hill is someone who stepped out of her comfort zone 和 embraced the college experience, 她做的每件事都全力以赴. I think it would be wonderful if others remembered me as this vibrant person who loves life, 以及随之而来的一切. I’m working to accept the ups 和 downs of my journey 和 hope others see that 和 act similarly too.

对我影响最大的教职员: 那肯定是我的导师. 玛丽Bendel-Simso. Taking her class Growing Up in America during sophomore year proved to be rather challenging 和 tested my decision to declare the 英语 major. 然而,正是在她的帮助和指导下,我决定继续这个专业. 我从她那里学到,总有更多的工作要做, 这种改善必然伴随着困难.

从那堂课开始. 玛丽作为我的导师和老师一直支持和照顾我, 我都不知道. 这是去年的事了. 在我寻找职业道路的过程中,玛丽给了我很好的指导, 给了我离开金沙js6038的勇气. 她的大力支持, 知道她一直都在我身边, 让我在金沙js6038的最后一段日子比我想象的要轻松吗. 整体, 我从她那里学到了,当事情变得困难时, it is much easier to ask for help 和 try again than push away the things that challenge us the most.

史上最佳课堂: One of my favorite classes that I took during my time at McDaniel was probably Devising for Performance taught by Gené Fouché in the 戏剧艺术 department. In this class, the goal was to create a play based on a theme 和 perform it in the spring. 之后我们班为我们的戏剧找到了一个主题, 最后是“怀旧”和“时间”的概念,” I spent the semester using my research 和 writing skills to help bring the show to life. Professor Gené connected with me 和 my dedication to research 和 served as another wonderful mentor for me during the class. 尽管这门课具有创造性的挑战性, it was an experience that made me realize that I loved researching 和 wanted to find a career where I could put it to use.

让我大吃一惊: 如果我专心做一件事,我真的可以做到任何事情! My love for running in my last two years here at McDaniel was something that definitely took me by surprise. 我一开始是田径队的跳远运动员, but decided to take up long-distance running during my sophomore year while I took a leave of absence from the team due to COVID-19. I was surprised when Coach Douglas Renner '80 emailed me the summer before my junior year asking me to join cross country. Little did I know that it would be the most fun I’d have during my four years at McDaniel. 因为我自己的决心和雷纳教练的支持, I improved to become the fifth best 6k runner at McDaniel 和 broke four program course records during my senior cross country season, 经过一年的长跑. 简而言之, 我不仅对自己的进步感到惊讶, 但我决定做一些全新的,不同的事情. 这段经历告诉我,如果你抓住机会,神奇的事情就会发生.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 我在校园里最喜欢的地方之一绝对是凯西角, because I have always been able to focus on my work 和 get a lot done each time I have a study session. 具体地说, 在我大四的秋季学期, 我在那里花了很多时间做顶点石. 当然,我不能忘记的事实是,这里也有大量的咖啡可供饮用!

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 有时候,不把每件事都计划好是完全可以的! 作为一个一直对未来忧心忡忡的人, 随着我在金沙js6038四年的进步,我能够信任这个过程并放松下来. Coming into college, I planned to just major in things that I enjoyed 和 see where it would take me. By trusting the process, I was able to define a type of career goal for myself during my senior year.

我最重要的头衔: “Indescribably Pathetic Beauty: Female Death 和 Rossetti’s Male Gaze” was my 英语 major capstone. 主修双学位, 我的戏剧艺术顶峰也是一名戏剧演员, 研究秋季戏剧 镭的女孩.

说白了就是: “Indescribably Pathetic Beauty: Female Death 和 Rossetti’s Male Gaze” is a deep dive into the passivity of female death in Victorian literature. 更具体地说, 我分析了诗人但丁·加布里埃尔·罗塞蒂的两首诗, 《金沙js6038》和《金沙js6038》.“使用女权主义批判和男性凝视的概念, I discussed how women were treated by studying Victorian ideals 和 other written works like “Annabel Lee,“妖精市场。,”, 小妇人. I attempted to question why dead women are so endearing to readers 和 writers alike, 结论是在死亡中, 女人存在的唯一目的就是为了取悦男人的眼睛, 因为他们的被动.

For my Theatre capstone, I completed a research packet 和 poster display for the historical play 镭的女孩. 在研究这部剧的过程中, I was able to help those involved onstage 和 off get a better underst和ing of the meaning behind the play to advance their performance skills.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: 我在山上的一些组织包括阿尔法,赛,欧米加, 戏剧荣誉协会, 我从2022年春季到2023年担任校长. 我大四的时候是学生运动员顾问委员会的成员, 从2020年秋季到2022年春季是一年级学生的住宿助理吗, 我参加了室内、室外田径和越野赛.

接下来是什么: 毕业后, 我将在大街上为一位移民律师做调查, 就在威斯敏斯特. 我期待着大学毕业后继续运用我的研究技能, 而且离金沙js6038的校园很近!

如果你获得了经济资助,这对你和你的家庭意味着什么? 获得经济援助是我来到金沙js6038的一个重要因素, 这对我和我的家人来说意义重大. 没有我得到的经济援助, 我不确定我是否能进入金沙js6038这样的学府, 所以我非常感激.

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? I think that working close to McDaniel will definitely help me stay connected to friends 和 professors! I also certainly plan to support my teammates on the track 和 field 和 cross country teams during my spare time.


专业: 英语戏剧艺术


“总的来说, my experiences here have shown me that growing 和 learning doesn’t have to be a linear process. 我所面临的挑战, 无论是在课堂上还是在寻找自我的过程中, 共同努力取得更大的成果."