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Class of 2023: Jack Buckley

Jack Buckley’s First Year Seminar, From Chaos to Compromise, 与格雷琴·麦凯教授一起为他在金沙js6038的四年探索生涯定下了基调. A Philosophy and Political Science major, Jack zeroed in on studying national security, joining McDaniel’s National Security Fellows Program, and interning with European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, under the Department of Defense. 作为绿色恐怖营的一员,他将被任命为美国陆军少尉.S. Army Chemical Corps after graduation.

Jack Buckley - class of 2023

Jack Buckley 她来自德国斯图加特,主修哲学和政治学,辅修西班牙语.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: Uncertain of what would be in store for me at McDaniel and the U.S. as a whole.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: 惊讶于四年来发生了这么多的事情,并对未来的发展感到兴奋.

Real world experiences: 我有机会在斯图加特国防部下属的欧洲司令部实习, Germany. I worked alongside senior staff officers, NCOs, and representatives of organizations like USAID and the U.N. 了解民事事务在地缘政治背景下的作用,以及它如何满足美国的预期利益.S. in Europe.

My aha moment: 我了解到时间是多么的令人沮丧和宝贵——你永远不会觉得时间不够用, 但是,你所拥有的那一点点东西,却能决定你是欣赏现状还是后悔现状.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: 我希望人们记住我是一个愿意照顾别人的人,尽管我们之间存在明显的差异.

Faculty or staff member who most influenced who I have become: Erin Benevento '15 taught me that a position is one thing, but what you do for others in that position is what makes all the difference. 她是一个我从未见过长时间休息的女人,但她的脸上总是带着微笑——总是试图照亮别人的日子. During the months leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, 她照顾着我和我的朋友们,当时我们正在想办法回家的路(我们大多数人住得离马里兰很远)。. She has checked up on my friends and I every semester, without fail. 艾琳是一个表现出色、心地善良的人——一个真正了不起的人,她对我的激励比她想象的要大.

Best class ever: From Chaos to Compromise, my First Year Seminar. Going into college, I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous about how I might measure up to my peers, work at the standards set by my professors, and connect with others. This class was my fondest academic experience of my freshman year. 学习如何以非传统的方式与他人合作,经历重大的历史事件, like the Trial of Socrates and the creation of the Nicene Creed, really set the tone for the years to come at McDaniel. Dr. McKay, the professor running the class, left a very positive impact on my perception of McDaniel as a whole.

Took me totally by surprise: How compassionate some of the professors and faculty are at McDaniel. 很明显,他们在大学的职位对他们来说不仅仅是一份工作. Their interest in students who care is both apparent and impactful.

My favorite spot on campus: The 英国餐厅门廊,俯瞰步行区,通往怀特福德大厅. It is where I held my unofficial office hours Monday through Friday.

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: 所有事物的相互联系,尤其是民族国家. 世界的全球化意味着一家位于丹麦的公司可以迎合美国的客户.S., but have factories in Malaysia and India, that are then assembled in Russia and Colombia, and can be sold internationally. On an individual scale, 它让我意识到一个人的行为对许多人的生活有多么重要, 以及它如何在更大的总体区域内滚雪球般地变成更大的东西.

My capstone title: 政治学:“北极圈对美国安全政策和经济可行性的重要性”.哲学:“COVID-19:功利主义方法对纽约市医护人员的影响。.”

What it’s about in plain talk: Political Science: Breaking down U.S. 从冷战的最后十年开始,将北极政策分为四十年. 我将讨论随着国际动态领域从两极转变而出现的优先事项的显著变化, to a unipolar, to something more closely resembling a multipolar world, to today: an increasingly higher likelihood of a return to a bipolar world. From the Soviet Union to the Global War on Terrorism, to the potential threat that near-peer China poses, the U.S. 进入北极圈的方法给了现代对手在该地区的立足点. I compare decades and highlight differences in U.S. 除了提出属于地缘政治战略安全和经济领域的当前问题外,还有与政策有关的方法.

Philosophy: 从功利主义的角度看纽约的COVID-19大流行, 我比较了密尔的功利主义和城市的医院管理. From there, I brought in vignettes, or personal experiences, 大流行期间卫生专业人员的情况,以及医院政策和法规的执行如何对他们本已日益恶化的精神健康造成损害. 我讨论了在医院实施类似功利主义的政策对卫生专业人员的影响,以及可以采取哪些潜在步骤,通过提供纽约市一些行政部门在大流行期间使用的方法的证据来减轻损失.

What’s next: Commissioning into the U.S. 先是在化学兵团当少尉,然后进了军事情报部门. Sky’s the limit for future location assignments.

If you received financial aid, what did that mean for you and your family? 我收到的经济援助意味着我的家人可以专注于资助我妹妹的学业,而不是我. 这也意味着我将去马里兰州的威斯敏斯特,而不是圣. Andrews, Scotland.

告诉我们一些你在金沙js6038期间的活动,包括体育活动。 我一直忙于参加后备军官训练团和荣誉与行为委员会,除了一些悠闲的课外活动:国际象棋和举重. 这些活动帮助我安排我的一天,同时感到满足和富有成效.

Do you have a family member who also went to college on the Hill? What does that family legacy mean to you? 我父亲马克·巴克利(Mark Buckley) 1988年毕业于金沙js6038,当时该校还叫西马里兰学院. He was also in the ROTC program here at McDaniel. 我想追随父亲的脚步,为成功做好准备. 我想,第一步应该是上同一所大学,以成长为一个人,培养正确的习惯和技能,这对我在军队中最有用.

How will you stay connected to McDaniel? 我打算通过电子邮件、电话和社交媒体与教授、教员和朋友保持联系. 只要你付出努力,你在这里建立的人际关系将持续一生.

About Jack

Majors: Philosophy and Political Science

Minor: Spanish

Class of 2023
