

Political Science 和 自行设计的法国 major Stephanie Portillo found independence at McDaniel — 和 abroad during a Jan Term. 国家安全研究员和全球研究员, Stephani’s senior capstone examined the impact of political policies 和 the MS-13 gang in El Salvador. 在克里斯蒂安娜·莱希等教授的指导下, 杰拉德Keubeung, 和玛蒂娜·莫特-诺尔, 她学会了经常问问题和有远大的梦想.


Stephani波蒂略 is a 自行设计的法国 major 和 Political Science major specializing in International Studies, 辅修欧洲研究, 来自银泉, 马里兰.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 作为一名大学新生,我很兴奋能开启新的篇章! I was anxious 和 scared to face the world on my own without my family next to me, 但当我第一天交了朋友后,我很快松了一口气!

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 快乐,但悲伤! I am proud of myself for making it this far 和 making the most of my four years on the Hill. I am sad that I am leaving, but I know that I will always be a part of the Green Terror family!

真实世界经验: I recently did a Jan Term abroad in Irel和 和 Northern Irel和, 那是我一生中最美好的经历! Studying abroad was a very difficult thing to do for me due to the p和emic, but thankfully I was able to at least go abroad for two weeks with some of my closest friends 和 my amazing professor!

我在国会期间做了很多事情! As a student worker I have worked with the 学生金沙js6038会, 招生办公室, 经验与机会中心, 和制度进步. My positions in these offices have allowed me to closely interact with multiple alumni. 我和这些金沙js6038建立了终生的关系, 我真的很感激他们的支持和建议!

我的顿悟时刻: 我了解到我并不像我以为的那样害羞! 在来这里之前, I would have never voluntarily stood in front of hundreds of people to speak or give a presentation, but now I choose to put myself out there to do those things for fun!

我在山上留下的脚印: I want people to remember me as the student that never stopped climbing! Even when all the odds were stacked against me, my faith 和 God kept me going. 作为大学生, we face many obstacles but it’s important to remember that once we reach the finish line, 一切都是值得的!

对我影响最大的老师或职员首先是我出色的指导老师. Christianna莱希, who took me under her wing 和 has always gone out of her way to help me both in 和 outside the classroom. Since the first time I sat in on one of her classes on my tour of the college, 我立刻意识到我希望有一天能像她一样.

还有,我的法语教授,Dr. 杰拉德Keubeung博士和. Martine Motard-Noar极大地影响了今天的我. 他们教会我要相信自己,要有远大的梦想! I will forever appreciate them for pushing me to be the best version of myself!

有史以来最好的课程我的陶艺课! Coming into college, I would have never guessed I would take a college level ceramics class! 我报名报名是为了好玩,但结果比我想象的更喜欢它! 它教会了我要有耐心,要跳出思维定势.

让我大吃一惊: 金沙js6038强烈的社区意识! I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that the faculty 和 staff on campus actually cared about me 和 my future. I was surprised to find myself getting close to my professors 和 interacting with them outside the classroom! 我很高兴在国外有这么好的支持系统!

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: Harvey Stone Pavilion 和 the little brick wall behind Big Baker which looks out onto the football field. These places always allowed me to have a pretty view of the sunset when I would study 和 would be a great place to reflect!

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: It is something everyone has heard before but something we must never forget 和 that is to JUST ASK! Time 和 time again here at McDaniel, I was reminded to “not be afraid to ask!” Everyone here is trying to see you succeed 和 see you graduate, 所以如果你需要什么,不要害怕说出来, 因为十有八九会有人帮你!

我最重要的头衔: “The Ongoing ‘Mara’ Crisis in El Salvador: 19 Years of Futile Policy.”

说白了就是: My capstone was a case study on the country of El Salvador 和 how it has been affected by the notorious MS-13 gang. It analyzed the different policies used from 2003 to the present day in order to identify the main components that were successful 和 are responsible for the current diminishing crime rates 和 gang violence rates in El Salvador.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: I was a member of multiple student organizations here on campus. 法律预科协会等组织, 帕拉布拉斯的文字, 西班牙-拉丁裔联盟, 法国人圈子, CHAARG, 校园团契, 拉丁美洲公民联合联盟, 学生金沙js6038会, 大学年鉴, 模范欧盟, 和模拟联合国. 我也是全球研究员和国家安全研究员!

nex是什么t: After graduation I will be working as a full-time paralegal at an immigration law firm in Gaithersburg, 马里兰. 这份工作开始于我大三时的暑期实习, 这是我从国会山的法律预科协会学来的! I will also be studying for the LSAT 和 will hopefully go off to law school next year!

If you received financial aid, what did that mean for you 和 your family? Without financial aid I would not have been able to attend college! 作为一个没有资格获得联邦资助的学生, I solely depended on the colleges I applied to in order to provide me with scholarships 和 grants. 在金沙js6038得知我的困境之后, they were willing to help 和 provided me with the financial assistance I needed in order to attend college. My family 和 I will eternally be grateful for what the college did for me, 和 I hope to return the favor to another student in the future!

你是你的直系亲属中第一个上大学的吗? 这段经历对你意味着什么? I am the first in my immediate family to go to college here in the United States, 所以这是一件大事! The process is very different from what they experienced back in our country; my parents did not really know how to help, but they tried their best when it came to the application process 和 stood next to me every step of the way!

我的第一次经历也是我家人的第一次经历, 所以我们总是既兴奋又紧张. Even if it was a little rough at times, I would not change my experience for anything in the world!

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? I plan to be an active alumna of the college 和 come to as many events as I can, because I now know how valuable it is to have connections to the alumni of the college. I want to provide students with the same opportunities 和 advice I was given when I was a student on the Hill!


主要: 自行设计的法国政治学-国际研究

: 欧洲研究


"Time 和 time again here at McDaniel, I was reminded to 'not be afraid to ask!“这里的每个人都想看到你成功."