
2024届毕业生: Kramoh Mansalay

Global Fellow Kramoh Mansalay was a leader at McDaniel, organizing countless events for the campus as part of the Pre-健康 Club, 非洲的遗产, the Gamma Sigma Epsilon 化学 Honor Society, 和 the Muslim Students Association. 他在摩洛哥留学期间发现了他最喜欢的大学课程,他的人生观也因国会山的教师导师而改变.

A student wearing a lab coat looks at a microscope while smiling.

Kramoh Mansalay 是生物医学科学和阿拉伯和中东研究的双重主修,并有语言学专业, with minors in 生物学 和 化学, 从费城.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: Nervous, because I had left home 和 there was a p和emic. Who wouldn’t be concerned? After the shock of being away, 我觉得如果我相信安拉并系好骆驼(表示有信仰和努力工作),一切都会好起来的。.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell on Commencement Day is: 喜出望外. 所有的实验室, 俱乐部, 类, 和 hours I put in made me a very different person, 和 I’m glad to be him. It was not easy, but it was most certainly worth it.

Real-world 经历: The summer after freshman year, I had my first research project with Dr. Michael Polen in the 化学 department learning about IR spectroscopy. The summer after my sophomore year, 作为金沙js6038暑期实习奖学金获得者,我跟随一位家庭护士执业. During Jan Term my junior year, 我和化学系的Dana Ferraris教授一起开始了我的研究,合成了我的第一套SARS-CoV-2大结构域抑制剂,同时在马里兰大学医学中心的儿科急诊科做志愿者. In fall of senior year, I studied abroad in Ifrane, 摩洛哥, at Al Akhawayn University, 和 in Jan Term of senior year, I completed my research with Dr. Ferraris 和 synthesized a new batch of inhibitors.

I met outst和ing 生物学 和 化学 alumni during my research sessions, 这对了解他们在金沙js6038任职期间和之后的科学事业很有帮助, as well as how they bridged the two. 第一次研究会议对我来说现在特别有意义,因为我与金沙js6038的强者建立了联系,比如 金孝锡22岁莎拉·阿莱曼,23岁. 从我职业生涯的早期就与他们联系并成为金沙js6038生物和化学社区的一员,这真的是非同寻常的,我不能更感激选择以这种方式度过我的第一个夏天.

我的顿悟时刻: 我了解到,我最喜欢领导一个团队的部分是支持每个人与你一起成长,任何一个好的领导都是一个更好的激励者和团队成员. 在我所参与的工作中得到赞扬和赞扬,这对我来说是件好事, but it is far sweeter when the team is all together. 例如, 两年前,在Pre-健康 Club举办了我们第一次医疗保健领域的有色人种小组讨论会,这很有趣,也给很多学生提供了很好的见解. 我很自豪有高级执行董事会成员把组建这个小组的权力交给了我, as I do the same now as a senior for my fellow first-, 第二, 和 third-year executive board members.

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: 整体, I would say that I want people to feel that the Pre-健康 Club (PHC), 非洲的遗产 (Legacy), the Gamma Sigma Epsilon 化学 Honor Society (GSE), 穆斯林学生协会(MSA)对他们的生活产生了积极影响. 我很荣幸能与金沙js6038提供的最有才华和奉献精神的人一起工作,因为这些团队. My wish is that any one of the hundreds, 和 I sincerely mean hundreds, of events I’ve worked on has benefited at least one of my peers. It could have been a general board meeting with Legacy, a speaker session with PHC, or a study night with GSE. 对于一些, 它可能是一个更大的活动,比如与运动机能学学生一起进行心肺复苏术认证日, the Met Gala 非洲 Excellence Awards Dinner, the Taste of Islam Ramadan Iftaar Gala, 或者别的什么. 在所有这些事件中, I truly wanted people to have a better underst和ing of Black, 非洲, 和穆斯林,通过我和我的同龄人,继续了解这些群体以及生物学领域, 化学, 阿拉伯语, 和医学都为我们全球社会的结构和福祉做出了杰出的贡献,就从金沙js6038开始, something I’ve appreciated more recently as a Global Fellow.

Faculty or 工作人员 member who most influenced who I have become: 这很难回答,因为各种各样的人使我成为一个更好的人. 我认为高级讲师Carol Zaru和生物学副教授Cheng Huang使我成为一个更简洁的演讲者和作者, 博士和. Ferraris has encouraged me to think outside of the box.


史上最佳课堂: 诚实, 我会把它交给我在摩洛哥阿卡瓦恩大学的一个学生, Islamic Art 和 Architecture taught by Dr. 说Ennahid. 他对这门课程的热情是显而易见的,我相信很多人都在教授和传递信息, 但他表达了他对这个主题的热爱,这鼓励了我更多地了解它. For a class here at home on the Hill (in no particular order), I would split it between Al-Amia Colloquial 阿拉伯语 with Professor Zaru, Organic 化学 II with Dr. Ferraris, 和 Topics of 生物学 with Dr. Burley for the same reason. 我相信他们在各自领域的背景确实在他们谈论内容的方式中脱颖而出. 这些课程中最引人注目的是那些让充满挑战的日子变得更愉快的故事, 考虑到我正在学习两种阿拉伯语方言,这很有帮助, organic synthesis strategies element by element, as well as the digestive systems of livestock chamber by chamber.

告诉我们一些你在金沙js6038期间的活动,包括体育活动。 I was involved with the Pre-健康 Club as historian, then as the community outreach chair of 非洲的遗产, then as treasurer 和 vice president of the 化学 Honor Society, 和 finally the president of the Muslim Students Association. 自2022年秋天以来,我一直在经验与机会中心工作, worked as a 化学 teaching assistant since fall of 2023, been a Global Fellow since spring of 2023, 和 I researched during summer of 2021, as well as Jan Term 2023 和 2024. 四年来,我一直在各个部门做志愿者,前两年在一家非营利组织工作,并与许多学生建立了联系, 工作人员, 这里的教职员工, 穿过车管所, 和 during my fall 2024 semester in 摩洛哥.

Took me totally by surprise: The love of crabs, sweet tea, 和 Old Bay down here!

My favorite spot on campus: I’ve spent so much time in the Hill Hall Prayer Room, so I would start there, but I would be remiss to exclude my professors’ offices, because if we had class for three hours a week, 我几乎可以保证,我每周还要在那个教授的办公室里花三个小时复习, 质疑, 具有挑战性的, 和 appreciating the material for what it was 和 could be, 和 I believe they would all say the same.

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: The affinity of Maryl和ers for the state flag, crabs, 和 Old Bay.

我的主要头衔: 生物医学:“优化的SARS-CoV-2大结构域抑制剂的合成”,” 和 AMES: “English to 阿拉伯语 和 阿拉伯语 to English Translation.”

What they’re about in plain talk: 制造更有效的有机分子,作为未来COVID-19抗病毒药物的一部分,是生物医学科学的顶峰, 和 translating news articles, 书的前言, 和 more between 阿拉伯语 和 English is the AMES capstone.

接下来是什么: Medical school, in’sha’Allah (God willing).

How will you stay connected to McDaniel? 如果不是通过MSA, GSE,或PHC,我对我的部门的亲和力肯定会把我带回来.

If you received financial aid, what did that mean for you 和 your family? In short, no aid = no school. Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) there was aid, so there was school! 我认识到能够接受教育是一种福气,因为我曾在美国和国外帮助那些无法负担教育费用的人. 再一次, not seeing myself terribly far from their situation, 金沙js6038的帮助对我和我的许多同学都很有帮助,这对我来说意义重大. Had I been the only one to benefit from this aid, I would have missed out on so, so many opportunities to learn about other cultures, 宗教, 世界各地区, 经历, 的想法, 和 fields that I have yet to explore 和 appreciate. 再一次, 这可能是我一生中最大的幸事之一,因为我得到了资助,得以进入大学并顺利毕业.


名称: Kramoh Mansalay

专业: 生物医学科学阿拉伯语 和 中东研究 ——语言

未成年人: 生物学化学

