

Transfer student 劳伦·波蒂斯所写的 took every opportunity available to explore Environmental Studies at McDaniel. Lauren conducted research at the McDaniel Environmental Center and interned at the Maryland Department of the Environment — experiences that prepared her for a post-graduation Restoration Ecology course in Greater Yellowstone hosted by the Wild Rockies Field Institute and eventually graduate school.

A student wearing a 金沙js6038 sweatshirt stands outside with her hands on her hips.

劳伦·波蒂斯所写的 是一个 环境研究专业,主修政策与管理,辅修 生物学,从 马里兰州弗雷德里克.

当我踏上国会山的第一步时,我是: 张开双臂拥抱,感觉就像在家里一样. 我可以在这里看到我自己, I could accomplish so much; not only that, 但教职员工都希望我能实现自己的目标. I will admit that on the drive to Westminster on Move-In Day, my nerves got the best of me. 我对即将开始的新旅程感到害怕和不确定. 作为一名即将转学的大三学生, 进入未知领域是很困难的, 面对对未来方向的怀疑让我质疑一切, 但我一到那里就立即得到了支持, 我第一天上课,我的教授关心我是谁, and again I felt that I had found my home away from home; and I could do everything.

在毕业典礼上敲响老主楼钟的人是: 自信满满,准备好迎接我努力为自己开创的生活. 我在金沙js6038的这段时间一直在学习新技能, 磨练自己的领导能力, 机遇之地, 在这里我可以扩大我的人际网络. 毕业典礼那天, I know that I am ready for the world no matter how uncertain and uncomfortable it may be at times. I know that I can do exceptional things because I have done them here with the support of amazing faculty and friendships I have built these past two years.

真实的经历: 来到一个文理学院, I knew they would foster wide-ranging studies; in fact, 金沙js6038要求. So, I took every opportunity I could to learn something new in and out of the classroom. 在金沙js6038期间, 我参加过几项我引以为豪的活动. 认识新朋友,了解我的新家, 我加入了学生金沙js6038会, 这样我就能见到金沙js6038了, 了解他们为什么喜欢国会山, 建立我的关系网.

在我一月的第一个学期, 我去希腊呆了两个星期, 我在哪里学到了希腊文化, 神话, 纪念碑, 和传说. 我度过了最美好的时光. 第一次独自和陌生人一起出国旅行,我感到很不舒服, 但在结交新朋友的同时也帮助我在很多方面成熟起来. 我将永远铭记这段经历.

金沙js6038的第二个学期, 我成了胡佛图书馆档案馆的学生工作者, 我在那里学习档案科学的艺术. I now have processed my own collection of Robert Joshua Gill papers and was able to share my findings at the Academic Symposium.

通过Jason Scullion副教授, 我获得了一位导师, 与明矾有关的, and had the opportunity to intern at the Maryland Department of the Environment over the summer. I was also able to engage in wildlife corridor management utilizing geographic information system technology in an independent study. 伴随着实习, Assistant Professor Elly Engle gave me the opportunity to participate in McDaniel’s Agrifood Program, 在金沙js6038环境中心(MEC)管理谢弗森林花园. 我也有机会在夏季和博士一起做研究. 恩格尔对农林业设计, as we planned and planted a jam garden (also being presented at the Academic Symposium). I am not sure I can pinpoint a favorite as these experiences have influenced who I am and my growth in several ways, 但他们都引导我去冒险,去答应.

我的顿悟时刻: 国会山的一个顿悟时刻是,尽管拥有良好的职业道德很有价值, making room for balance and setting boundaries for myself is the best way to show up as my best self. 我的教授们劝我慢下来, 这是最好的建议, 因为我不仅在学业上做得很好, but also be social and maintain good mental health on campus especially after being affected by the pandemic at the start of college.

我在山上留下的脚印 在国会我做了很多事, 但我希望人们记住我为留下自己的印记所付出的努力. Between archiving McDaniel’s history and helping to build the Schaffer Forest Garden for students to enjoy, 我希望人们记住我为实现这一目标所付出的努力. 金沙js6038的每个人都能随心所欲. 作为转移, 我不认为我有机会影响校园, but through my dedication I was offered many chances to do anything that interested me. 我全身心地投入到摆在我面前的任务中, 因为我希望学生们能像我一样享受金沙js6038, 享受我创造的空间, 了解校园里的机会,勇于冒险. 金沙js6038有这么多的贡献,让我的工作证明这一事实.

对我影响最大的教职员: 校园这么小,环境研究部门更小, 我不能选择一个教职员工. 这需要一个村庄, 因为当你踏上这个校园时,你就是这个家庭的一员, 并不是只有一个人最有影响力. To the people who have influenced me immensely in a variety of ways I would like to acknowledge Dr. 斯卡利翁和博士. Engle in the Environmental Studies department as well as the librarians that keep Hoover Library standing and 金沙js6038’s Archivist Gwen Coddington. 没有任何一个, I would not have learned both academic and life skills and how to navigate the obstacles that come with life. 他们让我充满信心和鼓励, and I could not be more thankful for opportunities awarded to me and the mentorship provided.


史上最佳课堂: 我在金沙js6038最好的课是《金沙js6038》, 每周五三小时的实验室, 在那里我受到挑战和重视. 我们花时间在大自然中学习生存技能, 水系统, 徒步旅行, 映射, 我个人最喜欢的, 徒步旅行! 有些日子我不得不逼自己, but with tenacity and perseverance I learned that I could accomplish anything and hike my own hike, 在小路上,在生活中.

Tell us a little about your activities, including sports, during your years at McDaniel: 当我不工作、实习或上课时,我花时间在俱乐部和同龄人中. 我参加的组织包括学生金沙js6038会, 日出运动(作为动作主导), 绿色生活(我是户外协调员). 我还参加了几个荣誉社团:Phi Beta Kappa, 金沙js6038荣誉计划, Tri-Beta, 和. 我还在MEC主持和策划了几次园艺工作日和种植活动. I presented at the Academic Symposium in April 2024 with my summer research and archive peers.

让我大吃一惊: 我对校园里每个人的热情和友好感到惊讶. Students want other students to engage in events and organizations; it is easy to get to know many people, 但不是所有人, 如我所想, 在一个小校园里. Faculty are super passionate about not only school success but every individual student’s success. 我习惯了只关心指标的大学校, 所以来到一个以家庭为中心的学校是一个受欢迎的改变.

我在校园里最喜欢的地方: 我在校园里最喜欢的地方坐落在大面包房后面,俯瞰着足球场. 有一棵漂亮的树完美地悬挂着,因为只有一张长凳占据了空间. I love the peace I feel whenever I sit there after work, in between classes, and on the weekends. 这是我自己的绿洲,我在这里读书,沐浴阳光. I am never interrupted, and I can just spend time decompressing, and the view is incredible.

我在金沙js6038学到的最令人难以置信的想法: 金沙js6038是多么有人脉啊. 虽然我们很小,但我们很强大,人们知道金沙js6038. 我们的校风超越国界. 金沙js6038们真的很喜欢金沙js6038,并回来了(为一些伟大的返校做准备).

我最重要的头衔: “Taking Environmental Justice Communities into Consideration: A Case Study on Eagle Harbor.”

说白了就是: Environmental justice is defined by the government as “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, 文化, 国家的起源, 收入, 以及教育水平的发展, 实现, 保护环境法律的执行, 规定, 和政策.“然而, 为了我的毕业典礼, 案例研究, 我试图发现环境正义是否正在马里兰州发生. 因为我们开始公开和攻击不公正, states like Maryland have acknowledged environmental injustice in communities that are overburdened and underserved. 再进一步说, 我调查了我们后院的环境正义社区,以发现我们如何, 在马里兰的居民, 是否在积极解决环境不公正问题?我们正在做些什么. 我利用文学研究作为背景, 进行采访, 然后去实地考察. 调查结果表明,什么是环境正义社区, 由于一个常驻发电厂而面临的不公正, 经济投资需求, 正在做什么?, 以及需要做什么. 环境正义很重要, 因为它暴露了旨在压迫的制度的基础, 抑制, 从他们不愿支持的人那里偷钱.

接下来是什么: After graduation I am taking a gap year to work and travel before going to law and graduate school. During my gap year I will participate in a Restoration Ecology course in Greater Yellowstone hosted by the Wild Rockies Field Institute sponsored by the University of Montana. That’s made possible by funding from the Environmental Studies department’s Cargill Fund. I currently plan to attend graduate school for conservation science and wildlife management while simultaneously studying environmental law.

你怎么和金沙js6038保持联系? Having spent time reaching out to alumni through the Student 金沙js6038 Council and 金沙js6038 Engagement office, 我知道为保持金沙js6038与学校的联系所付出的努力. I plan to attend 首页coming and mentoring/networking events as I navigate life as a graduate.

如果你获得了经济资助,这对你和你的家庭意味着什么? The financial aid I received from McDaniel was made possible through the college’s appreciation for educators, 给我和我的家人减轻了巨大的负担. This financial aid has made it possible to gain a degree without crippling student loan debt. 感谢所有捐助者!


名称: 劳伦·波蒂斯所写的

主要: 环境研究-政策及管理

: 生物学


作为一种转移, 我不认为我有机会影响校园, but through my dedication I was offered many chances to do anything that interested me."