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Class of 2020: Justin Arter

毫无疑问,贾斯汀·阿特最好的课程——凯文·麦金太尔教授的货币与金融市场课程——帮助他开启了毕业后将开始的投资生涯. 但没有什么能与“森林在线”课程的经历相提并论,这门课程将经济学专业的学生带出了他的舒适区,深入秘鲁亚马逊雨林,进行了一次大开眼界的环境冒险,并介绍了生态旅游.

Justin Arter Class of 2020

Justin Arter is an Economics;major from Waldorf, Maryland.

When I took my first step on the Hill, I was: confident. I was confident that I knew what I wanted to study, I knew exactly what career I wanted, and I knew what my path through college would look like. I didn’t realize that I was actually clueless. 我不知道大学将带我去哪里,我将学到什么,或者我将在哪里工作. I still had a lot of learning to do.

The me who will ring the Old Main bell at Commencement is: still confident, but not in the same way. 我没有信心知道生活将把我带向何方. I’m confident that I’m much more prepared. Since the last time I rang the bell, 从雨林徒步旅行到创业,我积累了丰富的经验. These experiences haven’t helped me “figure it all out,“相反,他们给了我信心,让我知道金沙js6038给了我所需的工具,让我为接下来的一切做好准备。. All I do know is that I still have a lot of learning to do.

Real-world experiences: I’ve studied abroad both at our sister campus in Budapest, 匈牙利, and in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. My time in Budapest was eye opening, giving me a chance to experience culture and travel, while still studying within my discipline. The trip to the Amazon Rainforest with Dr. 杰森·斯卡利翁绝对是一次冒险,我什么都不会换. 在世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一探索雨林,同时帮助促进生态旅游的发展,这是一次无与伦比的经历. 这次旅行让我对大自然有了全新的认识,并带我走出了自己的舒适区. 我在雨林的时光是我最喜欢的,我希望我能回去! It’s an experience that I wish everyone could have!

Aha moment: 金沙js6038最让我惊讶的就是人际关系. 在希尔这样的学校,你所建立的每一个联系都意义非凡. Each connection you make opens more doors and opportunities. Before you know it, 你在大学里开辟了一条独一无二的道路,这条道路是别人无法企及的. For me, the tennis team was the first connection/door. From there, I found lifelong friends, joined new extracurriculars, found new opportunities, and so much more. All of that, from just one connection!

Footprints I’m leaving on the Hill: The legacy that I leave behind on the Hill is my love for it. 我记得当我第一次拜访金沙js6038时,我遇到的许多教职员工和学生都提到了改变生活的荣誉. That has stuck with me ever since. I got the chance to experience it firsthand, 我很自豪地告诉我遇到的每一个未来的学生这是真的. 当我看到那些未来的学生第二年来到金沙js6038, 我知道他们也会有机会像我一样爱这座山.

Professor who most influenced who I have become: Dean Lisa Breslin. Although she doesn’t always have the professor hat on, 事实证明,她是我在国会任职期间最有影响力的教授. Although I never had 院长B. 作为一名教授,我觉得我从她的指导中学到了很多. 院长B. always took the time to check in with me, show me new opportunities, guide me when I was unsure of my next steps, and even reminded me when I needed to slow down and take a break! She saw the potential that I had and nurtured it. Thank you, 院长B.!

My mentor. For life.: 我的网球教练威尔·贾尔斯将是我一生的良师益友. Will is two years my senior, 我视他为网球队的导师和同学. When I decided to join Greek life, he continued to act as a mentor and role model to me, even becoming my big brother within the fraternity. After his graduation, he continued on to be the head tennis coach at McDaniel, where I continue to look to him for guidance on and off the court. 每当我在生活中遇到困难的时候,无论是汽车故障(再次)!)或必须做出重大决定时,我知道他很善于倾听!

Best class ever: The best class that I ever took was Dr. Kevin McIntyre’s Money and Financial Markets course. 这门课让我很兴奋,但我没有意识到我会如此喜欢它. 这门课让我对自己的经济学知识有了信心,并为我提供了将所学知识应用于现实世界的机会. 我将能够把我所学到的知识应用到我毕业后的投资工作中! Dr. McIntyre’s witty banter also made the class that much better!

Took me totally by surprise: Something that took me by surprise was 首页coming on the Hill. 在我的金沙js6038之旅中,导游向我讲述了在山上开车的经历,说那是多么奇妙. 听到这个消息后,我对尾随和回家寄予厚望,我没有失望. 在我第一次返校时,我从宿舍走到山上,我感到非常惊讶! And the same for my second, and my third! I only missed one because I was abroad; I won’t be missing anymore. 这绝对是一段有趣的时光,也是你在其他任何地方都找不到的独特经历.

My favorite spot on campus: The quad outside of Gill, especially in the spring. The quad is a place for throwing a frisbee, playing summertime music, playing impromptu volleyball, napping in a hammock, 和更多的. 这里绝对是享受山上美好天气的最佳地点, and every student takes advantage of it!

Most mind-boggling idea I learned at McDaniel: 我在金沙js6038学到的最疯狂的事情其实并不是在金沙js6038, it was in the Amazon Rainforest! 在那里的这段时间里,我们有机会参观了一个土著社区,了解了这个社区是如何改变他们的做法,以更好地养活自己和森林的. They started ecotourism! Instead of harming the land by traditional farming methods, 他们努力创造更可持续的方法,并让游客来了解他们在做什么. It was a win-win for the environment and for themselves. We actually visited just a little while after Maroon 5 was there!

My capstone: Economic Effect of Aid to Third World Countries – A Fallacy

What it’s about: 本文对国际援助问题及其是否真正有效进行了深入探讨. 生产率冲击的宏观经济模型用于定义经济援助对劳动力市场的预期和影响, loanable funds market, and aggregate demand of third world countries. 然后将这些预期与接受国的经验数据进行比较. 通过比较,我们可以看到这些方案的有效性存在差异. 然后对可能导致这些差异的原因提出假设,并用于进一步讨论经济援助计划在经济和社会方面的有效性.

What it’s really about: 我们研究了发展援助项目在促进发展中国家经济增长方面是否真的有效. 然后我们发现数据并不一定支持它们是有效的. A discussion on why this may be the case is made, 接下来是对这些援助项目的有效性进行更面向社会的讨论. 其结果是:发展援助项目是如此多面的,以至于很难在所有方面定义成功, because these programs affect more than just the economy. These programs help to promote positive social change as well.

What’s next: I have taken a position with Merrill Edge in Hunt Valley, Maryland, to begin a career in investments, 希望能够帮助人们在现在和将来实现他们的财务目标.

About Justin

名称: Justin Arter

主要: Economics

Class of 2020