

The McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network (MWLN) is an exclusive group of leaders who have a desire to support young women at McDaniel while enriching their own personal and professional networks.

成为会员 制作礼物
The MWLN at 金沙js6038 is focused on building connections and programs that support women at the college in pursuing their personal and professional goals.
The path to success depends on how connected you are to your environment. The college has always set up an environment where meaningful connections can be established, and the McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network is one more place female students can turn for guidance.——丽萨·特纳,1985年,MWLN顾问委员会


A student on campus looks back over her shoulder while smiling.

辅导|建设社区|回馈 产生影响

McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network members support a variety of areas they feel passionate about, 但是特别地, the group focuses on building the following funds:
- McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network Fund - provides grants to current McDaniel students whose financial circumstances may prevent them from pursuing undergraduate research, 实习, 出国留学, 牌照或证书, 和更多的.
- McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network Scholarship Fund (annual or endowed) - awarded to an entering first-year female student who has exhibited leadership potential through academic, 运动, 和/或社区服务. It can be awarded to the same person for a total of four years.


The McDaniel Women’s Leadership Network offers corporate partnership opportunities for businesses of all sizes seeking to provide leadership and mentorship opportunities for women of all ages and careers. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Corporate & 基金会关系 410-871-3151 or cgoodman@thejurassicmusic.com.



If you are interested in supporting other women or personal/professional growth, you can become involved in the Network in a variety of ways that fit you financially and personally.
  • 咨询委员会 -任期一年, the 咨询委员会 provides members with an exclusive and meaningful experience within the pillars of the network. Council members also support the college with an annual gift of $1,867 or more and are recognized as part of the college’s Founders Society.
  • 成员 - With a gift of $1,867 or more, members of MWLN are invited to exclusive members-only events. 成员 are also recognized as part of the college’s Founders Society, 我们的领导力给予社会, and will receive special event invitations and communications.
  • 网络的朋友 -  For those interested in participating in select events and communications related to MWLN.



梅雷迪思·鲍恩,98年 Walker Bowen Talent Partners联合创始人



阿曼达·坎贝尔10岁 Wealthspire Advisors高级副总裁 & The 健康的联合创始人 & 财富姐妹有限责任公司

“不要把‘不’当作别人的回答. Keep knocking down walls until someone says ‘yes.’”——切尔西·汉德勒


利兹·克拉克99年 Director of the Defense Suicide Prevention Office

“无论你选择做什么,都要留下痕迹. 这意味着不要只为自己而做. You will want to leave the world better for you having lived.——露丝·巴德·金斯伯格


查尔·弗里思,84年 商业地产专业人员(退休)

"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?——马丁·路德·金.

Lori Hockley的照片.

Lori Hockley, D.M. Lecturer in Business, 金沙js6038 Senior Consultant, Aegis Performance Group

“用大爱去做小事.” - St. 加尔各答的特蕾莎


丽莎·特纳·霍恩,85年 Chief, Office of Counterintelligence, National Security Agency

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence" - Helen Keller

Krysta Huxford的照片.

克里斯塔·赫克斯福德,2000年 Owner and Certified Pilates Instructor, Practical Pilates, LLC

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.——温斯顿·丘吉尔

Kristin Kober的照片.

克里斯汀·科伯,2000年 Founder, Kristin Kober Coaching and Consulting LLC

“清楚就是善良。”. 不清楚是不友善的.——布朗

LaWann Powers ' 06

LaWann Powers '06 Principal for Member Performance, Vizient, Inc.

"Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.——马尔科姆·艾克斯


布兰迪·普特南,97年 Owner and Executive Producer of BKP Productions

"All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve."


Heidi Snyder Reigel, 97年 AVP of Constituent Engagement, 金沙js6038g



杰西卡·斯科特10年级 Baird副财务顾问

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."


雪莱·夏基02年 HorizonWALKS协调员



Faith Walker '97 Walker Bowen Talent Partners联合创始人

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.——马丁·路德·金.


Heather Yeung '05 戴维斯,Agnor, Rapaport的律师 & Skalny,有限责任公司
